
In: Computer Science

Discussion Database Security and UML Often, systems have only one level of security when it comes...

Discussion Database Security and UML

Often, systems have only one level of security when it comes to databases. Imagine that someone is trying to add a name (which should be composed only of letters) to a database. The user mistakenly hits a number, and the system rejects the entry. Such security can be implemented at the database management system (DBMS) or the application level.

Where would you apply security? Justify your choice.

What are some alternative practices or standards of utilizing UML for the visual representation of systems?

When would you use UML over other standards?

When are other standards preferable?


Expert Solution

A) Where would you apply security? Justify your choice.


  • Database integrity ensures that data in the database is correct and consistent.
  • Database administrator or application developer determine certain bussiness rules.
  • For eg:-Imagine that someone is trying to add a name to a database. Assume that a business rule says that name should be composed only of letters.Attempts to violate this integrity rule, then the statement must fail.
  • Integrity constraints and database triggers are used to manage a database's data integrity rules.
  • Referential integrity provides that a rule defined on a column or set of columns in one table, match the values in the referenced value.
  • It also includes the rules , what types of data manipulation are allowed on referenced values and how these actions affect dependent values.
  • So referential integrity mainly used for this kind of security.


B)When would you use UML over other standards?

  • UML is a standard notation for software design. So,everyone can understand.
  • UML tools support, plug-ins to most popular IDEs,can generate code, apply design patterns, mine requirements, reverse engineer code, and perform impact analysis, refactorings, and complexity analysis.
  • UML portability,it saved in the standard XMI format.
  • UML is a well-known visual language that can capture much of the information that one needs to communicate about the architecture.
  • Modeling your sytem needs a subset notation of UML knowledge needed.So if you have not aware full features of representation also you can use UML


C) When are other standards preferable?

  • UML has standard notations.If don't know notations then prefer other standards.
  • UML has 14 different diagrams,it's complexity increased over the years.So learning this complex structure is overhead causes other standards preference.
  • Box-and-line diagrams are easy to create and convey our development easily.There is no need of formal structure.
  • The lack of design documentation,lack of architecture knowledge are quite common, and in those cases other standards widely used.


D) What are some alternative practices or standards of utilizing UML for the visual representation of


  • Architecture Interconnect Diagram(AID):-A representation of the logical structure of a system architecture, consisting of components and elements . It can be shown as rectangular, triangular and circular symbols, to follow an optional project-specific convention.
  • Business Model Canvas :-use the canvas to describe, design, challenge, and pivot your business model.It shows partners,activities,proposition values,customer relation ships,resources,distribution,cost and revenue.
  • Enterprise Data Modeling:- It is an integrated view of the data produced and consumed across an entire organization.Mainly 3 levels--Subject area model,Conceptual model and Conceptual entity model.

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