
In: Electrical Engineering

Write a program that runs on SPIM that allows the user to enter the number of...

Write a program that runs on SPIM that allows the user to enter the number of hours, minutes and seconds and then prints out the total time in seconds. Name the source code file “seconds.asm


Expert Solution

c++ code :


using namespace std;



while (true)
    cout << "Enter hours, minutes and seconds." << endl;
    cout << "hours:";
    cin >> hour;
    if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
        cout << "Error: hours should be in between [0..23]" << endl;

    cout << "minutes:";
    cin >> min;
    if (min < 0 || min > 59)
        cout << "Error: minutes should be in between [0..59]" << endl;

    cout << "seconds:";
    cin >> sec;
    if (sec < 0 || sec > 59)
        cout << "Error: seconds should be in between [0..59]" << endl;

cout << "Total seconds: " << (sec + min*60 + hour*60*60) << endl;


 .STACK 100H

   PROMPT_1  DB  'Enter the time in seconds up to 65535 = $'
   PROMPT_2  DB  0DH,0AH,'The time in hh:mm:ss format is = $'
   SEPARATOR DB  ' : $'

     MOV AX, @DATA                ; initialize DS
     MOV DS, AX

     LEA DX, PROMPT_1             ; load and display the string PROMPT_1
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     CALL INDEC                   ; call the procedure INDEC

     PUSH AX                      ; puah AX onto the STACK

     LEA DX, PROMPT_2             ; load and display the string PROMPT_2
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     POP AX                       ; pop a value from STACK into AX

     XOR DX, DX                   ; clear DX
     MOV CX, 3600                 ; set CX=3600
     DIV CX                       ; set AX=DX:AX\CX , DX=DX:AX%CX

     CMP AX, 10                   ; compare AX with 10
     JGE @HOURS                   ; jump to label @HOURS if AX>=10

     PUSH AX                      ; push AX onto the STACK

     MOV AX, 0                    ; set AX=0
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     POP AX                       ; pop a value from STACK into AX
     @HOURS:                      ; jump label
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     MOV AX, DX                   ; set AX=DX

     PUSH AX                      ; push AX onto the STACK

     LEA DX, SEPARATOR            ; load and display the string SEPARATOR
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     POP AX                       ; pop a value from STACK into AX
     XOR DX, DX                   ; clear DX

     MOV CX, 60                   ; set CX=60
     DIV CX                       ; set AX=DX:AX\CX , DX=DX:AX%CX

     CMP AX, 10                   ; compare AX with 10
     JGE @MINUTES                 ; jump to label @MINUTES if AX>=10

     PUSH AX                      ; push AX onto the STACK

     MOV AX, 0                    ; set AX=0
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     POP AX                       ; pop a value from STACK into AX

     @MINUTES:                    ; jump label
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     MOV BX, DX                   ; set BX=DX

     LEA DX, SEPARATOR            ; load and display the string SEPARATOR
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     MOV AX, BX                   ; set AX=BX

     CMP AX, 10                   ; compare AX with 10 
     JGE @SECONDS                 ; jump to label @SECONDS if AX>=10

     PUSH AX                      ; push AX onto the STACK 

     MOV AX, 0                    ; set AX=0
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     POP AX                       ; pop a value from STACK into AX

     @SECONDS:                    ; jump label
     CALL OUTDEC                  ; call the procedure OUTDEC

     MOV AH, 4CH                  ; return control to DOS
     INT 21H

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