In: Economics
4 page essay about student loan debt and how they should have a job waiting on you out of college but cant because of people not wanting to retirement and they lied to millennials saying you need a 4 year degree etc include references in essay ,
THE student loan debt and how they should have a job waiting on you out of cooege but cant because ofpeople not wanting to retirement and they lied to millennials saying that we need a four year degree .there are some important benefits to every students to waiitng out of coolege
Working during college has many benefits. Many students feel that taking on a part-time job will distract from their studies at school. It can seem overwhelming to take on a part-time or full-time job while going to school, but it is possible to do this. The choice to work during college. Although it does take extra effort to hold down a job and still get good grades, you can do it. If you are considering going back to graduate school, ask yourself these questions first, then use these five reasons to consider working. Planning out a college budget can help you determine how much you will need to work to make ends meet. Finding a killer college job will help you to earn more and give you valuable experience. If you really do not want to work during the school year, you will need to make the most of your sum
Working during college can help to reduce the amount that you have to borrow to pay for school. A part-time job and a careful budget can help to supplement what you earn over the summer to pay for your classes. The more that you earn means the less that you need to borrow to pay for school. If you qualify for scholarships, be sure you follow the guidelines about working on them and that you can maintain your grades in order to keep them.
Student loan debt can be difficult to pay back and can slow down your progress when it comes to buying a home or starting a family. Preventing it now is the best step. One of the things that many college graduates initially struggle with is making their student loan payments. Working during college allows you to graduate without as many financial obligations. Even if you do not want to work full-time or on a steady basis, you should consider these side hustles to help you find extra cash and avoid debt.
Working in College Provides Valuable Job Experience
Once you are an upperclassman you should be able to find a job in the field that you are going into. This can provide valuable on the job training that will make you much more competitive once you graduate from college. Some internships will pay and can turn into part-time or full-time jobs while you finish up your degree. Online work opportunities in your field may also be available. Check with your department office to find out about possible jobs in your field.
Even job experience that is not directly related to your field may qualify you for a position that someone without your experience could not get. For example, understanding children and their wants from working at a daycare center may make a difference in landing a job in the marketing department of a toy company when compared to someone with no job experience at all. You should talk to a professor to see if he has any connections for part-time work in your field near the college.
Working in College Teaches You Time Management Skills
Once you begin working, it is a different environment from attending classes. You will often have several projects to juggle as well meetings to attend to you. Learning to manage your time with classes and work will help you to adapt much more quickly. It will also benefit you in learning to deal with people at work. There is a difference between working with people in school and working with people at your job. These skills will make adjusting to the real world outside of college much easier.
Learning to manage your time effectively can help you do better overall. Some students find that they do better in school when they have a job because it means they need to carefully plan out the week to make time to study. If you are worried about it, try drawing up a schedule and determine just how much time you waste each week. You may be surprised at how much time you have available to work.
Working in College Can Improve Your Grades
Many students are surprised that their grades increase when they begin working part-time. This is a result of learning to organize and plan your study time effectively. The added focus can make the difference between an A and a B. You may need to find the point where this is most effective for you. Some people can handle thirty hours a week; some people can only handle twenty hours a week. Your stress should not be so great that it is a distraction, and you should still be able to stay on top of all of your projects.
Working in College Can Provide Employee Benefits
Many companies begin offering full-time benefits to people if they work 25 hours a week. This means you could begin a 401(k), qualify for health insurance and a tuition assistance program while attending college. This does depend on the company but think of the advantages of having started your retirement savings before you graduate.
You may also qualify for benefits such as vacation and sick time. This can alleviate the stress of working enough hours when you are not feeling well and allow you to take vacations without worrying. It may make it easier to manage your time and enjoy yourself in college even though you do need to work.
Tips to Make Working in College Easier
d choose your college wisely.