
In: Nursing

Respond to the following in a minimum of 200 words. Answers must be in your own...

Respond to the following in a minimum of 200 words. Answers must be in your own words. Please do not copy and paste from the internet!

  • Which immunity type would you say is the most beneficial? Please explain your answer.
  • How can you improve this immunity type's ability to fight infection?


Expert Solution


Immunity is the ability of the body to resist invasion by pathogens and influence of toxins that cause tissue damage. it is classified into two types.

1. Innate immunity( non specific):This type of immunity present since birth and effective against all type of organisms which invade the body.

This includes

External barriers like skin and mucous membrane

Neutrophils and macrophages, which are the defense cells among white blood cell group helps in phagocytosis.

Body fluids like acid secretion of stomach which help to destroy swallowed pathogens.

Various substances in blood such as lysosomes, natural killer cells

Complementary system of body.

2. Acquired immunity(adaptive or specific): this is the ability of the body to fight against specific type of organisms or cells.

This includes:

Humoral immunity which is mediated by immunoglobulins, which are produced by B lymphocytes

Cell mediated immunity where specific cells(helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, suppressor T cells and memory t cells) are produced by T lymphocytes.

Innate immunity is the first line of defense ,which acts very quickly(several hours)once the pathogens enter into the body. it does not need a start up phase, as it is not specialized for specific pathogens. Once the innate immune system is unsuccessful in destroying pathogens,the specific adaptive immune system start in action. It takes several days to respond to the infection compared to innate immunity.Thus, innate immunity is most beneficial ,as a first line response system of body against pathogens.

Immunity can be improved by healthy diet and life style.

Proper hand washing as needed.

Cooking meat and meat product thoroughly before consuming

Try to include more vegetables and fruits in daily diet

maintain healthy life habits like do not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol( or drink moderately according to guidelines)

Maintain healthy body weight appropriate for age

Regular exercise and sleeping pattern

Try to minimize stress

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