
In: Accounting

Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...

Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for use in North Sea oil fields. The company uses a job-order costing system that applies manufacturing overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor-hours. Its predetermined overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $342,000 of manufacturing overhead for an estimated allocation base of 950 direct labor-hours. The following transactions took place during the year:

Raw materials purchased on account, $210,000.

Raw materials used in production (all direct materials), $195,000.

Utility bills incurred on account, $61,000 (95% related to factory operations, and the remainder related to selling and administrative activities).

Accrued salary and wage costs:

Direct labor (1,025 hours) $ 240,000
Indirect labor $ 92,000
Selling and administrative salaries $


Maintenance costs incurred on account in the factory, $56,000

Advertising costs incurred on account, $138,000.

Depreciation was recorded for the year, $86,000 (75% related to factory equipment, and the remainder related to selling and administrative equipment).

Rental cost incurred on account, $111,000 (80% related to factory facilities, and the remainder related to selling and administrative facilities).

Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to jobs, $ ? .

Cost of goods manufactured for the year, $790,000.

Sales for the year (all on account) totaled $1,300,000. These goods cost $820,000 according to their job cost sheets.

The balances in the inventory accounts at the beginning of the year were:

Raw Materials $ 32,000
Work in Process $ 23,000
Finished Goods $ 62,000


1. Prepare journal entries to record the preceding transactions.

2. Post your entries to T-accounts. (Don’t forget to enter the beginning inventory balances above.)

3. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.

4A. Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold.

4B. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods sold.

5. Prepare an income statement for the year.


Expert Solution

1. Prepare journal entries to record the preceding transactions.


General Journal




Raw Materials


   Accounts Payable



Work in progress


Raw materials



Manufacturing Overhead


Utilities Expense


Accounts Payable



Work in Process


Manufacturing Overhead


Salaries Expense


Salaries and Wages Payable



Manufacturing Overhead


Accounts Payable



Advertising Expense


Accounts Payable



Manufacturing Overhead


Depreciation Expense


Accumulated Depreciation



Manufacturing Overhead


Rent Expense


Accounts Payable



Work in Process


Manufacturing Overhead

(Working Note 1)



Finished Goods


Work in Process



Accounts Receivable





Cost of Goods Sold


Finished Goods


Working Note: 1

Predetermined Overhead Rate = Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost

                                                                Estimated total amount of the allocation base

                                                                = $342,000 / 950 DLHs

                                                                = $360 per DLH (Direct labor Hour)

1,025 actual DLH * $360 per DLH = $369,000

2. Post your entries to T-accounts. (Don’t forget to enter the beginning inventory balances above.)

Accounts Receivable


(k a)




Raw Materials

Cost of Goods Sold




(k b)







Work in Process

Manufacturing Overhead



























Finished Goods

Advertising Expense











Accumulated Depreciation

Utilities Expense





Accounts Payable

Salaries Expense









Depreciation Expense







Salaries & Wages Payable

Rent Expense





3. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.

Froya Fabrikker A/S

Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured

Direct materials:

Raw materials inventory, beginning............................

$ 32,000

Purchases of raw materials...........................................

$ 210,000

Materials available for use...........................................

$ 242,000

Raw materials inventory, ending.................................

  $ 47,000

Materials used in production.......................................


Direct labor......................................................................

$ 240,000

Manufacturing overhead applied to work in process......

$ 369,000

Total manufacturing costs...............................................

$ 804,000

Add: Work in process, beginning....................................

$ 23,000

$ 827,000

Deduct: Work in process, ending....................................

$  37,000

Cost of goods manufactured...........................................


4A. Prepare a journal entry to close any balance in the Manufacturing Overhead account to Cost of Goods Sold.


General Journal



Manufacturing Overhead


   Cost of goods sold


4B. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods sold.

Schedule of cost of goods sold:

Finished goods inventory, beginning...........................

$  62,000

Add: Cost of goods manufactured..............................

$ 790,000

Goods available for sale...............................................


Deduct finished goods inventory, ending...................


Unadjusted cost of goods sold....................................


Deduct: Overapplied overhead....................................


Adjusted cost of goods sold........................................


5. Prepare an income statement for the year.


Froya Fabrikker A/S

Income Statement



Cost of goods sold......................................................

    $ 810,250

Gross margin...............................................................

$ 489,750

Selling and administrative expenses:

Advertising expense................................................


Utilities expense......................................................

$ 3,050

Salaries expense.......................................................

$ 120,000

Depreciation expense...............................................

$ 21,500

Rent expense...........................................................

   $ 22,200

     $ 304,750

Net operating income..................................................

$   185,000

Feel free to ask your doubts . Thanks!!!

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Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
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Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
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Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
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Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for use in North Sea oil fields. The company uses a job-order costing system that applies manufacturing overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor-hours. Its predetermined overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $349,800 of manufacturing overhead for an estimated allocation base of 1,060 direct labor-hours. The following transactions took place during the year: Raw materials purchased on account,...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for use in North Sea oil fields. The company uses a job-order costing system that applies manufacturing overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor-hours. Its predetermined overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $349,800 of manufacturing overhead for an estimated allocation base of 1,060 direct labor-hours. The following transactions took place during the year: Raw materials purchased on account,...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for use in North Sea oil fields. The company uses a job-order costing system that applies manufacturing overhead cost to jobs on the basis of direct labor-hours. Its predetermined overhead rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $372,000 of manufacturing overhead for an estimated allocation base of 1,200 direct labor-hours. The following transactions took place during the year: Raw materials purchased on account,...
Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
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Froya Fabrikker A/S of Bergen, Norway, is a small company that manufactures specialty heavy equipment for...
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