In: Statistics and Probability
Table 2 below presents the output for sample data relating the number of study hours spent by students outside of class during a three week period for a course in Business Statistics and their score in an examination given at the end of that period.
Table :2
The least-square regression line for the data is,
The score in an exmination is predicted to be increased by 1.496598639 when the number of study hours spent by students outside of class for a course in Business Statistics increases by 1 hour.
R2 = 0.74323183
Since the R2 value is close is near 0.75, there is a significant strength of the linear relationship between study hour and examination grade.
Test statistic, t = 4.508848
Degree of freedom = df Residual = 6
P-value = P(t > 4.508848, df = 6) = 0.002
Since, p-value is less than 0.05 significance level, we reject null hypothesis H0 and thus there exists sufficient statistical evidence to conclude that there is a positive linear relationship between study hour and exmination grade at the 5% level of significance.