
In: Psychology

Please explain three of the following with regard to causal attribution: the covariation model, correspondence bias,...

Please explain three of the following with regard to causal attribution: the covariation model, correspondence bias, actor/observer difference, self-serving attributions


Expert Solution

1. Correspondence bias- is the tendency of the observer to put the whole responsibility of another person's actions to their internal or personal traits even in the clear presence of other possible external factors.For example - Seeing a women slip and fall on the sidewalk, the observer is more likely to say that the woman fell because she was clumsy and not paying attention, rather than saying that the woman fell because the sidewalk was slippery because of recent drizzle.

2.Actor/observer difference - If in the above given example the woman who fell down was asked for the reason why she fell, she is most likely to say, ' because the sidewalk was slippery'. This difference or bias, where we attribute others' actions to their internal causes , but our own behaviour to external causes, is called the Actor/ Observer Difference or bias.

3.Self serving attribution - When our actions have negative consequences, we blame it on external factors, if there are positive consequences, we give credit to our own internal dispositions. If we score highest grades in class, we tend to attribute the success to our own hardwork and determination. However bad grades are generally atttributed to external facors like guests coming to the house a day before the test or how the weather was too hot to study.

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