In: Accounting
Answer. A fund may be defined as an accounting with a self
balance set of account regarding cash and/or other resources
together with all related liabilities and residual equities or
balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose
ofcarrying specific activities or attaining certain objective in
accordance with special regulation, restrictions or
Thus, every fund is aimed at fulfilling some purpose and the
services embodied in the assets are the primary means to achieve
that purpose.
Fund based accounting essentially involves preparation of financial
statements fundwise and consolidation of those statements to
represent the financial results/position of the organization as a
Revenue funds essentially record normal revenue transactions. In
other words, revenue funds are received to meet operating
However, the use of revenue fund may be restricted or unrestricted.
Restricted funds account for resources whose use is restricted by
the donor. Restrictions may be externally imposed by the grantors
of gifts or endowments. In addition, the governing body of the
organization may designate monies for specific purpose. In case
ofrestricted funds revenue is reorganized to the extent of
resources expended.
These entities also use accrual basis of accounting and keep
fund based accounts to record their activities. However, these
entities have the following distinctive features:
(a) Hospital generally have two major fund classes - general
(unrestricted) and restricted. The general fund is the primarily
operating fund for hospitals and mostly received from donors or
other parties who have imposed certain restrictions on their use.
These funds hold the restricted assets and transfer expendable
resources to the general funds for expenditure. Restricted funds
may be subdivided into three categories - development fund,
endowment fund and other specific purpose fund.
(b) General fund accounts for the resources received and expended
in the primary health care mission of the hospital. Depreciation is
included in the operating expenses. Fixed assets are included in
this fund with the understanding that the governing board may use
the assets in any manner desired. Operating revenues ofa hospital
include seat rent and other fees earned from patients, cafeteria
sales, tuition fees from medical students and transfers from
restricted funds.Nonunrestricted endowment income etc. The major
expenses in the general fund are for administrative costs. Ifthere
is any uncollected service revenue, the same is deducted from gross
patient service revenue. It may be noted here that even
not-for-profit hospitals charge seat rents and other fees from
patients accommodated in 'pay cabins'.
Accommodation in general ward is normally free.
Hospitals may receive donation ofsupplies and equipments. Donated
supplies include medicines and disposable medical equipment.
Donated supplies are included in the operating revenue at fair
values. Such supplies are shown as inventory. An appropriate
expense are charged when such supplies are used.
On the other hand, donated equipments or other fixed assets are
directly added to general fund balance and recognised as asset in
the general
fund balance sheet. Depreciation on such donated assets are shown
operating expenses in the general fund income and expenditure
However, equipments having a life of less than one year is charged
off in the same year.
Cash donations, if any, may be either restricted or unrestricted.
Accordingly, it will be accounted for.
Restricted funds have different purposes. Development funds account
for contributions to be used only for additions to fixed assets.
When the asset is actually acquired, the corresponding fund is
transferred to general fund. The treatments of endowment funds are
same as discussed in earlier. Specific purpose funds are restricted
for specific operating purposes (equivalent to restricted revenue
fund in case of
educational institutions.) For example, a donor may specify that a
donation of Rs. 50,000 may be used only for maternity care. The
donation is held in the specific purpose fund until the maternity
expenditure is approved in the general fund. Then, the
corresponding expenditure for maternity care is shown in the
general fund income and expenditure account.
Two fund based balance sheets are to be prepared - one for general
fu nd and the other for restricted funds. The general fund will
record unrestricted investments, property, plant, equipment, long
term loans, current assets, current liabilities etc. The restricted
funds will record investment ofrestricted funds, cash balance,
capital work in progress and individual fund balances.
Finally a consolidated balance sheet may be prepared for external
reporting purpose.