
In: Statistics and Probability

1. Load the regression data in the le called wagedata.csv and answer the following questions: (a)...

1. Load the regression data in the le called wagedata.csv and answer the following questions:
(a) Create an interaction between Ability and PhD
(b) Run a regression with the interaction a constant Ability and PhD. Write down you estimators
and the t-statistics
(c) Compute the di erence-in-di erence estimate and write down you answer.
(d) Test if the di erence is signi cant by showing relevant steps, and write down the conclusion to
the test.
2. Which of these photos shows evidence of heteroskedasticity?
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−10 0 10 20 30
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−10 −5 0 5 10
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−10 −5 0 5 10 15
3. Load the dataset called ec122a.csv and decide the appropriate regression to run. Write down what
transformations, corrections, etc... you make and why.


30 2148858244105;-10 0874543747999;1
21 2139481124597;-0 590192820738451;1
0 804274100356348;18 2611120427467;1
21 2841837231414;-1 56022339054444;1
19 9701441966751;-0 270217314022561;1
-19 3505986647068;15 2847691646256;1
-37 5318232168738;26 0961104031439;1
-27 5104548523827;7 5761567533525;1
1 12580739232134;-1 18594902993318;1
8 46653345914067;0 0785472499891622;1
-4 3851186614386;12 1320105514616;1
3 50685341593623;7 34914917101494;1
-13 9237294518445;18 4776393201793;1
8 19952131952363;3 24253596299393;1
2 061035907599;-0 483248819158479;1
7 77793037392366;5 98655277801752;1
-6 30291122168363;19 5012071181202;1
9 8638921608847;17 2307860456577;1
-1 60927411206267;0 627619361224518;1
18 2636750628683;9 55865292554422;1
-19 85280408247;32 3061680317419;1
-38 3633350768018;27 9436433893924;1
-40 7205010397063;31 6850695595438;1
-56 2602894197782;35 0681431228772;1
-32 9991761971437;27 6280924263471;1
9 7479459402353;7 57174198307181;0
3 92900982953838;0 861977409866384;0
50 248108939599;33 5000136378381;0
30 7461400746423;25 8930976678625;0
49 9814106320709;46 0773964388559;0
37 9566059786407;22 4655728587151;0
68 6497575622049;49 1421665303397;0
61 0701238471535;32 6494107219151;0
55 7189943229771;34 2491817925178;0
51 109332042575;48 4620545148998;0
56 0861713803033;56 2611865964331;0
40 516170174837;29 6930159318191;0
44 0586166449751;35 2492085855466;0
59 6616305513546;45 3875176058839;0
30 4331767384442;38 1275770320187;0
54 8625391374503;41 2616692882961;0
23 5581065455008;42 2396991920984;0
51 6104307198847;49 4530276941521;0
68 8499222925911;57 375001650011;0
34 9282337106992;33 7966475747671;0
59 6531629794339;32 9891986645948;0
48 8530160146515;42 5814753560819;0
41 8592579309319;38 2969055544136;0
68 7653893378851;59 1407240737376;0
57 2611898080186;55 2997953033722;0
71 4317975269271;59 8575740860399;0
84 3041078190792;56 9187686247403;0
86 8127563905414;57 8447954875125;0
53 8947609338275;42 9180372026626;0
75 451187082937;66 4714537888208;0
71 8524802636783;66 5647387578261;0
72 7015631893814;63 9321052241629;0
68 5345645066989;46 9435171993065;0
57 4027012602536;40 8696600009591;0
94 3208057977659;70 4812637532467;0
73 3865424233984;56 9041537923933;0
88 8183392221799;70 0278010012836;0
73 3087112512961;56 9953148483697;0
86 3886013131513;60 5180523355662;0
67 2021941169906;51 0590708916793;0
118 375388309556;94 4572602759228;0
60 6789396907979;61 1500381246522;0
98 719626489431;77 9170774341119;0
71 443350318515;66 314958140777;0
64 6034850016771;58 4809681916044;0
73 1618976038289;65 1237350851343;0
60 4746000022732;63 0423330904353;0
120 289733522426;93 5416148319245;0
107 032173927375;79 1334457282595;0
91 8986502218894;74 6191805319747;0
80 7706797354782;69 0717782611234;0
94 9972106243549;76 4438198039696;0
69 4704718368837;66 2502018108482;0
100 848924827906;80 8871627341593;0
126 836422964446;84 3088129083253;0
123 570430325546;96 9617142388936;0
64 9631783153722;69 8731666565007;0
94 8537176555163;83 4972763448062;0
130 547827259813;91 5406501517776;0
93 4716274384042;79 6440870678146;0
103 69870631698;79 8560598931133;0
90 4185801410255;76 4545817393735;0
87 0684258802465;84 5415174865785;0
145 840161057534;111 032359346546;0
123 719439438811;98 0032391174047;0
117 321770358635;90 845864156288;0
124 037150698884;105 148580858475;0
114 982603027777;94 3143209557192;0
139 514587413482;113 254090704761;0
109 802729838307;91 8569567410886;0
111 534270833463;94 1269472639582;0
99 5545891547564;78 9229661614192;0
95 841141946642;85 3461049648653;0
113 258297584026;96 8252063828309;0
124 340999773273;99 8886185674963;0


Expert Solution


BY using,given data

(a) By using the scatter plot we can identify the relation between the Ability and Phd.

From the above plot, we can say that if the ability of students increases then the chances of he pursued PhD is decreased.

i.e. Negative correlation in ability and PhD.

(B) The Dependent variable in this data is PhD and

Independent variable in wages and Ability

Dependent variable PhD is not continuous it in categorical form

so ,we used the logistic regression model here,

Model = glm(Phd~Ability+Wage)


glm(formula = Phd ~ Ability + Wage)

Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) 0.799626 0.048791 16.389 < 2e-16 ***
Ability 0.004379 0.002086 2.099 0.0384 *  
Wage -0.011972 0.001347 - 8.886 3.41e-14 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The coefficient of wage = - 0.011972

The Coefficient of Ability = 0.004379

Test Hypothesis:

H0: The variable is insignificant.


H1: The variable is significant.

Test Statistic:

T-statistic is usefull

t-value of Ability = 2.099

t-value of wage = -8.886

Decision Rule: If p-value is greater than 0.05 level of significance then ,we accept the null hypothesis.
From the above results, p-values are less than 0.05.
we reject the null hypothesis here.

i.e. both are variable significant.

i.e. both variable wage and Ability are important in model.

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