
In: Nursing

Referencing the blog posts from Karl Denniger’s Market Ticker blog and your textbook readings this week...

Referencing the blog posts from Karl Denniger’s Market Ticker blog and your textbook readings this week analyze how income and cultural trends can impact an individual’s diet. Cite examples that support your conclusions. Please reference those links for the answer an put the link in APA format and also use APA for citing references in-txt and end of document citations.


Expert Solution

Karl Denninger is an technogy expert and businessman,finance blogger,political activist and member of the Tea party movement,founder and CEO of MCS net in chicago..special concern to Dinninger was the over-the-counter trading of credit default swaps and high level of financial institutions recommend america's best investment can create more wealth and happiness...due equity and criticism making the population under poor in the united states..As per WHO global food price increases it is affecting low in come and poor knowledge level affecting people with their diet..Data suggest that the effect of socioeconomic status on diet quality may differ with gender and racial groups..
    In particular women and whites benefits more in diet intake from a higher socioeconomic status than African americans intake..Awareness about diet and nutrition also impacts dietray content..income inequality causes health and social problems,loss of life from income inequality in the US in 1990 cause for loss of life due to malnutrition..
   The relationship between low socio-economic status and poor health is complicated with gender,age,culture,environment,social and community network,individual lifestyle factors and health behaviour..Low income group people consuming unbalance diet and low intake of fruits and will make them under nutrition and over nutrition..because of this they fall in chronic illness..They are experiencing poverty,main barrier for eating balanced diet is cost,accessibility and knowledge..
   Lack of knowledge and motivation and skills inhibit for them for preparing meals from good sources..According to the journal of American Medicine,US adults are their culture eating trends consumption of the socio environment include infrastructure,industrial and occupational structure,labor market social and economic process,cultural practices impact the individual's diet.

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