Examine the issue in terms of cultural diversity, health promotion,
and communication methods. Discuss in detail...
Examine the issue in terms of cultural diversity, health promotion,
and communication methods. Discuss in detail how this issue affects
healthcare delivery and advanced nursing.
Expert Solution
Cultural diversiy includes race, nationality, religious
affiliation, language, physical size, gender, sexual orientation,
age, disability (physical and mental),political orientation,
socio-economic status, occupational status, geographical
Diverse cultures have their own health beliefs, values and
practices, that may conflict with those of Western medicine.
Increasing cultural diversiy and use of CAM (Complementary or
Alternative Medicine) and spiritual practices make it necessary for
nurses to have knowledge of other systems of care as well as the
diverse peoples they serve.
Racism, i.e. assumption of superiority, has been a destructive
approach in handling cultural differences.
Stereotyping is another barrier in health care delivery and
health promotion. Cultural shock occurs when difference of cultures
are overwhelming to individual and communities, including nurses,
and lack of awareness is compounded by feelings of
Communication methods for health promotion include various
types of communication approaches and strategies to ensure people
adopt recommended healthy practices. They can be verbal,
non-verbal, formal, informal, technology-aided, and signs and
symbols. Communication methods include articulation, development,
testing, dissemination of practical suggestions, claims, and
persuasive messages within various communication formats and media
channels for the purpose of promotion of health of individuals and
the community.
Communication methods for health promotion raise issues related
to culture as they aim to influence people's views and lifestyles,
and infringing on people's right to freedom of choice and autonomy.
Idealizing particular lifestyles or turning health into a value
raise concerns regarding citizens' consent to the interventions
wchile ertain beliefs and practices of cultural significance may be
The nurse is faced with the challenge of incorporating the
cultural needs of the patient to provide quality and satisfactory
care. Training in educational programs that support cultural
competence and creating policies that accomodate cultural diversity
to achieve positive health outcomes. Cultural accomodation and
understanding in a multicultural health care environment is
beneficial to the patient and the nurse relationship, improves the
quality of care and increases job satisfaction.
Awareness of cultural
diversity is crucial for effective cross-cultural communication.
The key to effective cross-cultural communication is knowledge.
When people understand the potential problems of cross-cultural
communication, and make a conscious effort to overcome these
problems, then communication is more effective and miscommunication
can be averted.
Can you share an
experience in life or at work where you encountered a problem with
communication due to cultural differences? Did nonverbal cues play
a role in the situation? Lastly, how can organizations...
Discuss Assisted Suicide. Examine the issue from a
sociopolitical, economic, and cultural perspective. What are the
ethical and legal dilemmas that nursing professionals face when
health care issues are politicized?
Discuss a current public controversy surrounding a health care
issue. Examine the issue from a sociopolitical, economic, and
cultural perspective. What are the ethical and legal dilemmas that
nursing professionals face when health care issues are
For communication Strategies for Health Promotion and Disease
Explain the role of health literacy in health promotion and
disease prevention strategies.
Find an Peer reviewed journal article related to an issue around
Health Promotion. discuss how the article relates to Health
Promotion, why it is important to the particular community that the
article is about. Discuss why you chose this particular
Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness,
cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and
cultural humility.
Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the
health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your
Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness,
cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and
cultural humility.
Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the
health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your
Leading a multicultural workforce: Globalisation and
cultural diversity
Overview of the issue and relevant theoretical perspective / model
/ concepts (e.g., definitions).
Discussion of analysis of a leadership issue or trend (local or
Practical implications and suggestions relevant to addressing the
issue, leadership effectiveness and development.
Key insights and takeaways about the topic.
Reference List
At least 5 academic references use non-academic sources sparingly;
Harvard style.