In: Statistics and Probability
This is for inferential statistics course
You could frame the answers in the following way:
1. The most enjoyable concept in the course was Regression as we
were able to relate with real life scenarios and find the relations
between different variables in a quantitative way.
The least enjoyable concept in the course was the checking of all
the assumptions of the tests as every test had their own
assumptions and we needed to check if they are followed or not.
This was quite cumbersome at first.
2. In my opinion, each concept might be applicable in my career as these tests will be applicable in all the real-life scenarios especially Regression, ANOVA, t-tests etc. Hence, I could say that each concept has their own application in a particular scenario and they might come handy to check our hypotheses.
3. The regression assumptions were a little difficult to understand as it had many like multivariate normality, checking for multicollinearity, error variance etc. Hence, if we could get more resources on the assumptions used and how to check, this would be handy.