
In: Computer Science

Write a javascript code to check if the JSON body follows the schema. schema is {...

Write a javascript code to check if the JSON body follows the schema.

schema is


    "name":"john doe",





json body is


    "name":"john doe",




} the result should be false


Expert Solution

Hey there ,

I've added code below to check json body for the example given by you. please find the code below . if you find any difficulty or face any issue please comment down or try to connect with me.

Approach 1:

var SchemaToBeChecked = {
    "name": "john doe",
    "mood": "happy",
    "major": "cs",
    "date": "2024"
  var JsonBody = {
    "name": "john doe",
    "major": "cs",
    "date": "2024"

  var flag  = JSON.stringify(SchemaToBeChecked) === JSON.stringify(JsonBody); 


Approach 2:

1. In this approach you need to use lodesh Module which provide _isEqual (json1 , json2) method which will check the schema.

Example Code for that is given below.

_.isEqual(one, two); // true or false

Approach 3:

Check only keys:

var JsonBody = {
   "name": "john doe", 
 "major": "cs",
  "date": "2024" }; 
var SchemaToBeChecked = { 
  "name": "john doe",
 "mood": "happy",
  "major": "cs", 
  "date": "2024" };
keyObj1 = Object.keys(SchemaToBeChecked);
keyObj2 = Object.keys(JsonBody);
let flag = false;
// now compare their keys 
if (keyObj1.length == keyObj2.length) {
  for (var i = 0; i < keyObj1.length; i++) {
    if (keyObj1[i] == keyObj2[i]) {
      flag = true;
    } else {
      flag = false;


Output :

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