
In: Nursing

A client is alert and oriented. However, the oxygen saturation read via a probe on index finger shows 88%.

A client is alert and oriented. However, the oxygen saturation read via a probe on index finger shows 88%. On examination, you find that the client's hand is cold. Client is talking to you comfortably. There is no shortness of breath. Resp rate is 20/mt. Is the reading correct? How would you verify? please answer briefly.


Expert Solution

Oxygen saturation is an essential element in the mangement and treatment of patient care. Oxygen is tightly regulated in the body because hypoxemia can lead to various adverse effect which affect all our different organ system. A pulse oximeter can measure oxygen saturation, it is an noninvasive device placed over patient's finger. It is regarded as the fifth vital sign. When the saturation is below 90% hypoxemia can occur in the body.Hypoxemia is a condition that occurs when you don't have enough oxygen in the blood. It will Shaw the signs and symptoms like headache, shortness of breath, confusion, wheezing, coughing etc. As per the present scenario patient is alert and oriented, no shortness of breath, talking comfortably so there is no signs of hypoxemia. So it can be false result so possible ways to improve the signal are *warm and rub the skin

* Apply topical vasodilator

* Try a different probe site especially the ear more appropriate site

* Use different probe or different machine

False result will lead to false management and patient care. So make sure the reading is correct before starting the correct treatment for better patient care and save patient life.

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A client is alert and oriented. However, the oxygen saturation read via a probe on index...
A client is alert and oriented. However, the oxygen saturation read via a probe on index finger shows 88%. On examination, you find that the client's hand is cold. Client is talking to you comfortably. There is no shortness of breath. Resp rate is 20/mt. Is the reading correct? How would you verify?