
In: Chemistry

Determine the pH and the concentrations of all aqueous species (Na+ , H+ , OH– ,...

Determine the pH and the concentrations of all aqueous species (Na+ , H+ , OH– , H3PO4, H2PO4 – , HPO4 2– , and PO4 3– ) in a 0.500 M Na3PO4 solution. (Note that this is a sodium phosphate solution, not a phosphoric acid solution!)


Expert Solution

Na3PO4 is completely dissociated to 3 Na+ and PO43- when dissolved in water.

-------------Na3PO4 ------ > 3Na+ + PO43-  

---Initial: 0.500 M ----------- 0 ------- 0

Aft.dissn: 0 M -------------- 3*0.500M, 0.500 M

Hence concentration of Na+, [Na+] = 3*0.500M = 1.50 M (answer)

Now 0.500 M  PO43- will undergo hydrolysis to form  HPO42-(first hydrolysis)

----------------- PO43- + H2O ------ > HPO42- + OH- , Kb = Kw/Ka3 = 10-14 / 4.80*10-13 = 2.08*10-2


Eqm.con(M):0.500(1 - x), ------------- 0.500x, 0.500x

Kb =  2.08*10-2 = (0.500x * 0.500x) / 0.500(1 - x)

=> x = 0.184

Hence concentration of PO43-, [PO43-] = 0.500(1 - x) = 0.408 M (answer)

After first hydrolysis, [HPO42-] = [OH-] = 0.500x = 0.500 * 0.184 M = 0.092 M

Chemical reaction for the hydrolysis of HPO42- is ( second hydrolysis)

----------------- HPO42- + H2O ------ > H2PO4- + OH- , Kb = Kw/Ka2 = 10-14 / 6.34*10-8 = 1.58*10-7

Init.conc(M):0.092, ------------------------ 0 ----------- 0.092

Eqm.con(M):0.092(1 - y), ------------- 0.092y, 0.092(y+1)

Kb = 1.58*10-7 = [0.092y * 0.092(y+1)] / 0.092(1 - y)

(y+1) and (1 - y) are nearly equals to 1. Hence

=> y = 1.58*10-7 / 0.092 = 1.72*10-6

Hence equilibrium concentration of HPO42-, [HPO42-] = 0.092(1 - y) 0.092 M (answer)

After second hydrolysis, [H2PO4-] = 0.092y = 0.092*1.72*10-6 = 1.58*10-7 M

[OH-] = 0.092(y+1) 0.092 M

Now the chemical reaction for the hydrolysis of H2PO4- is (third hydrolysis)

----------------- H2PO4- + H2O ------ > H3PO4 + OH- , Kb = Kw/Ka1 = 10-14 / 7.11*10-3 = 1.41*10-12

Init.conc(M):1.58*10-7 , ----------------- 0 ---------- 0.092

Eqm.con(M):1.58*10-7(1 - z), ------- 1.58*10-7z, 0.092

Kb = 1.41*10-12 = [1.58*10-7z, 0.092] / 1.58*10-7(1 - z)

(1 - z) are nearly equals to 1. Hence

=> z = 1.41*10-12 / 0.092 = 1.53*10-11

Hence equilibrium concentration of H2PO4-, [H2PO4-]= 1.58*10-7(1 - z) 1.58*10-7M (answer)

Hence equilibrium concentration of H3PO4, [H3PO4] = 1.58*10-7z = 1.58*10-7*1.53*10-11 = 2.42*10-18 M (answer)

[OH-] 0.092 M (answer)

[H+] = 10-14 / 0.092 = 1.09*10-13 M (answer)

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