Subsequent events are those vents that are occurring between the
date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor's
report, and facts that become known to the auditor after the date
of the auditor's report.
Audit procedures that auditor should perform to search
for subsequent events:
- Obtain an understanding of any procedures management has
established to ensure that subsequent are identified.
- Inquiring of management and those charged with governance with
respect to subsequent events.
- Read minutes, if any, of meetings, of the entity's owners
management and those charged with governance , that have been held
after the date of the financial statements.
- Read the entity's latest subsequent interim financial
statements, if any.
- The auditor shall request the management to provide a
management written representation letter that all event occurring
subsequent to the date of the financial statement and for which the
applicable financial reporting framework requires adjustment or
disclosure has been adjusted or disclosed.
- If the management amends the financial statements the auditor
shall extend the audit procedures referred to the date of the new
auditors' report.