Python Explain what happens when a user clicks a command button in a fully functioning GUI...


Explain what happens when a user clicks a command button in a fully functioning GUI program.

In: Computer Science

Python 1.Explain what happens when a program receives a non-numeric string when a number is expected...


1.Explain what happens when a program receives a non-numeric string when a number is expected as input, and explain how the try-except statement can be of use in this situation.

2.What is meant by the state of an object, and how does the programmer access and manipulate it?

3.Explain the differences between instance variables and temporary variables. Focus on their visibility in a class definition, and on their roles in managing data for an object of that class.

4.Explain the purpose of the variable self in a Python class definition.

In: Computer Science

You scan through a list of n elements, keeping track of the max. Every time you...

You scan through a list of n elements, keeping track of the max. Every time you encounter a new max, you update some variable. How many times do you expect to make such an update?

Define the answer as a random variable, break it into indicator random variables, use linearity of expectation, evaluate each IRV, and finally express the answer as best you can using O, Ω, or Θ.

In: Computer Science

You are given an array of arrays a. Your task is to group the arrays a[i]...

You are given an array of arrays a. Your task is to group the arrays a[i] by their mean values, so that arrays with equal mean values are in the same group, and arrays with different mean values are in different groups.

Each group should contain a set of indices (i, j, etc), such that the corresponding arrays (a[i], a[j], etc) all have the same mean. Return the set of groups as an array of arrays, where the indices within each group are sorted in ascending order, and the groups are sorted in ascending order of their minimum element.


  • For
  • a = [[3, 3, 4, 2],
  •      [4, 4],
  •      [4, 0, 3, 3],
  •      [2, 3],
  •      [3, 3, 3]]

the output should be

meanGroups(a) = [[0, 4],


                 [2, 3]]

  • mean(a[0]) = (3 + 3 + 4 + 2) / 4 = 3;
  • mean(a[1]) = (4 + 4) / 2 = 4;
  • mean(a[2]) = (4 + 0 + 3 + 3) / 4 = 2.5;
  • mean(a[3]) = (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5;
  • mean(a[4]) = (3 + 3 + 3) / 3 = 3.

There are three groups of means: those with mean 2.5, 3, and 4. And they form the following groups:

  • Arrays with indices 0and 4 form a group with mean 3;
  • Array with index 1 forms a group with mean 4;
  • Arrays with indices 2and 3 form a group with mean 2.5.

Note that neither

meanGroups(a) = [[0, 4],

                 [2, 3],



meanGroups(a) = [[0, 4],


                 [3, 2]]

will be considered as a correct answer:

    • In the first case, the minimal element in the array at index 2 is 1, and it is less then the minimal element in the array at index 1, which is 2.
    • In the second case, the array at index 2 is not sorted in ascending order.
  • For
  • a = [[-5, 2, 3],
  •      [0, 0],
  •      [0],
  •      [-100, 100]]

the output should be

meanGroups(a) = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]

The mean values of all of the arrays are 0, so all of them are in the same group.


  • [execution time limit] 3 seconds (java)
  • [input] array.array.integer a

An array of arrays of integers.

Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ a.length ≤ 100,
1 ≤ a[i].length ≤ 100,
-100 ≤ a[i][j] ≤ 100.

  • [output] array.array.integer

An array of arrays, representing the groups of indices

In: Computer Science

create table candidate ( cand_id   varchar(12) primary key,   -- cand_id name       varchar(40)           --...

create table candidate (
cand_id   varchar(12) primary key,   -- cand_id
name       varchar(40)           -- cand_nm

create table contributor (
contbr_id   integer primary key,
name       varchar(40),           -- contbr_nm
city     varchar(40),           -- contbr_city
state       varchar(40),           -- contbr_st
zip       varchar(20),           -- contbr_zip
employer   varchar(60),           -- contbr_employer
occupation   varchar(40)           -- contbr_occupation

create table contribution (
contb_id   integer primary key,
cand_id   varchar(12),           -- cand_id
contbr_id   varchar(12),           -- contbr_id
amount   numeric(6,2),           -- contb_receipt_amt
date       varchar(20),           -- contb_receipt_dt
election_type varchar(20),           -- election_tp
tran_id   varchar(20),           -- tran_id
foreign key (cand_id) references candidate,
foreign key (contbr_id) references contributor


All three tables will be written to a single SQL file.


-- 16. set the SQLite output to be a file named 'campaign-normal.sql'
.output 'campaign-normal.sql'

-- 17. output the candidate schema, and then all candidate rows as SQL
-- insert statements.
-- Hint: the SQLite .mode command allows you to select that you want
-- rows of a query to be output as SQL insert statements, and the
-- table name to be specified.

-- 18. output the contributor schema, and then all contributor rows as SQL
-- insert statements.

-- 19. output the contribution schema, and then all contribution rows as SQL
-- insert statements.

-- 20. set the SQL output so that it no longer goes to a file

In: Computer Science

Python. 1.Why is it a good idea to write and test the code for laying out...


1.Why is it a good idea to write and test the code for laying out a window's components before you add the methods that perform computations in response to events?

2.Explain why you would not use a text field to perform input and output of numbers.

3.Write a line of code that adds a FloatField to a window, at position (1, 1) in the grid, with an initial value of 0.0, a width of 15, and a precision of 2.

4.What happens when you enter a number with a decimal point into an IntegerField?

5.When would you make a data field read-only, and how would you do this?

In: Computer Science

i need code that uses javafx where the feauture are. 1. like with menubar that allows...

i need code that uses javafx where the feauture are.
1. like with menubar that allows to save and open file
2. when it has to save file it has own file type like for example s.suv
3. it should be able to open that file s.suv and lets add more icon into it

In: Computer Science

Python. Tuples and strings can also be sliced and concatenated.       Let x = ['F','l','o','r','i','d','a']. How...

Python. Tuples and strings can also be sliced and concatenated.

      Let x = ['F','l','o','r','i','d','a']. How does cotDel(x, 3) compare to del x[3]?

      Let y = ('F','l','o','r','i','d','a'). How does cotDel(y, 3) compare to del y[3]?

      Let z = 'Florida'. How does cotDel(z, 3) compare to del z[3]?

      Give an explanation about what you observed. This question refers to the following statement.

Define function cotDel(s,i) that deletes the ith item of list s, s[i]. In other words this function should do what the statement del s[i] does. Your function should use slicing and concatenation. Test your function with the list x of problem 1, deleting x[2]. Furthermore, your code should be written so that your program can be imported by other programs to make the function cotDel(s,i) available to them.

In: Computer Science

**MATLAB Code only Please create a MATLAB script that is a TIC-TAC-TOE game. Please keep it...

**MATLAB Code only

Please create a MATLAB script that is a TIC-TAC-TOE game. Please keep it simple, but there is no other rules. Thank you.

In: Computer Science

Convert the following decimal numbers to binary (You may use as many binary digits as necessary)...

  1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary (You may use as many binary digits as necessary)
    1. 25610
    2. 246710
    3. 102310
    4. 2310
    5. 710
  2. Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal
    1. 1101 0010 1101 1111
    2. 1100 0101 0010 1001
    3. 1000 0000 0000 0001
    4. 0001 1000 0000 0000
  3. Given  bits, how many unsigned binary numbers can be represented?
  4. Given  bits, how many signed binary numbers can be represented using the two’s compliment method?
  5. In the two’s complement method, why is there one more negative number than there are positive numbers?

In: Computer Science

Password check, Many websites these days require that a password is between 8 and 20...

Password check, Many websites these days require that a password
is between 8 and 20 characters, doesn’t have spaces, and satisfies the following
conditions: contain at least one uppercase letter, contain at least lowercase letter,
contain at least one number, and contain at least one special symbol character
(”!?,.;:$# &”). Write a program that keeps asking the user to enter the password
until they enter one that satisfies the requirements.
Please enter a password:
Please enter a password:
Password accepted

use python

In: Computer Science

Write a C++ Program. Include the Homework header. Then prompt the user for a temperature that...

Write a C++ Program. Include the Homework header.

Then prompt the user for a temperature that is in Fahrenheit for some water. Input the temperature (either an int or a double).  

then output one of three statements:

if the temperature is below 32 degrees or below tell them it is ice. For example if they input 22 then the output would be:

At a temperature of 22 degrees the water would take the form of ice.

if the temperature is between 32 and 212 degrees then tell the user the water is in liquid form. For example if they input 140 the output would be:

At a temperature of 140 degrees water takes the from of liquid water.

if the temperature is greater than 212 degrees then tell the user. For example if they input 3300 the output would be: :

At a temperature of 3300 degrees water takes the form of a gas called steam.


Basically repeat the code. However, this time we will assume the temperature is in Celsius. So, ask for the temperature for this section of code in Celsius from the user.  

And do the same description: if less than 0 degrees it is ice. If between 0 and 100 it is water and greater than 100 degrees it is steam.  

Code Style:

For each section do not write three distinct if statements.  

I expect to see if statements with else clauses.  

When I say "I expect" it means if my expectations are not meet you get a low score.  

Example of the console input and output we expect to see :

Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit :  12

At a temperature of 22 degrees the water would take the form of ice.

Enter the temperature in Celsius : 133

At a temperature of 133 degrees water takes the form of a gas called steam.

this is the code I have so far I do not know how to get it to just say liquid water or ice I cannot use the "and" or the "or"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

double Fahrenheit;

double Celsius;

cout << "Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit : ";

cin >> Fahrenheit;

if (Fahrenheit < 33){

cout << "At a temperature of " << Fahrenheit << " degrees the water would take the form of ice. " << endl;


if (Fahrenheit < 213) {

cout << "At a temperature of " << Fahrenheit << " degrees water takes the from of liquid water." << endl;



cout << "At a temperature of " << Fahrenheit << " degrees water takes the form of a gas called steam." << endl;

cout << " Enter the temperature in Celsius : ";

cin >> Celsius;

if (Celsius <= 0){

cout << "At a temperature of " << Celsius << " degrees the water would take the form of ice. " << endl;


if (Celsius <= 100){

cout << "At a temperature of " << Celsius << " degrees water takes the from of liquid water." << endl;



cout << "At a temperature of " << Celsius << " degrees water takes the form of a gas called steam." << endl;


In: Computer Science

Write a java program that prompts the user to see if they wish to encode or...

Write a java program that prompts the user to see if they wish to encode or decode a message.
(a) If they choose to encode a message:
i. Ask them to enter the message and store it in a String variable.
ii. Once the message is entered, ask them for a “shift” integer, similar to Lab 6.
iii. Using that shift, move all alphabetic characters in the message (i.e. excluding spaces and punctuation) using char and int arithmetic. Be sure to account for alphabetical wrap-
iv. Ask the user for a filename (no spaces), and then output the encrypted message to that file
on a single line. Then you may terminate the program, or loop back to the beginning.
(b) If they choose to decode a message:
i. Ask them for the file name that stores their encrypted message.
ii. Ask them for the “shift” that was used to encrypt the message.
iii. Read in the message from the file into a String (assuming it is all on one line).
iv. Using the shift, reverse the encryption procedure by subtracting the shift from each character
of the message, taking into account wrap-around.
v. Print the decrypted message to the user. You may then terminate the program or loop back
to the beginning.

In: Computer Science

Your application will read in from the user an employee's name and salary, and print out...

Your application will read in from the user an employee's name and salary, and print out a Console Check similar to the following. Your newly modified check printing application will this time accommodate names and numbers of different lengths WITHOUT pushing the left or right hand side of the check out of whack. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > | $1,000,000 | > > > > ___Pay to the Order of___ Johnny PayCheck > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Pease only use technique from chapter 1-4 in C++ from control structyre 9th edition

In: Computer Science

C/C++ Programming in a UNIX Environment, You should have read permission for the/etc/passwdfile. To answer the...

C/C++ Programming in a UNIX Environment,

You should have read permission for the/etc/passwdfile. To answer the following questions, usecatorlessto display/etc/passwd. Look at the fields of information in/etc/passwdfor the users on the local system.

a.Which character is used to separate fields in/etc/passwd?

b.How many fields are used to describe each user?

c.How many users are on the local system?

d.How many different login shells are in use on your system? (Hint:Look at the last field.)

e.The second field of/etc/passwdstores user passwords in encoded form. If the password field contains anx, your system uses shadow passwords and stores the encoded passwords elsewhere. Does your system use shadow passwords?

In: Computer Science