For java code: Create a library to do it all. The attached file has all the directions and methods that need to be included in your library (.jar). You will create a .jar file, and a tester app that will include your .jar file (Add External JAR).
The attached file below:
Create a java project called MyLibrary, a package called net.dtcc.lib, and a class called AllInOne. The class should have the following methods, each method should return the answer: Area: Area of Rectangle Area of Square Area of Triangle Area of Circle Area of Trapezoid Area of Ellipse Area of Pentagon Area of Parallelogram Area of Rhombus Area of Hexagon Area of Polygon ** Pass in appropriate variables Fractions: Adding 2 fractions Subtracting 2 fractions Multiplying 2 fractions Dividing 2 fractions ** Pass in numerator/denominator of first number; numerator/denominator of second number Binary: Binary to decimal conversion ** Pass in binary number Temperature: Celcius to Fahrenheit Celcius to Kelvin Fahrenheit to Celcius Fahrenheit to Kelvin ** Pass in temperature to be converted Volume: Volume of Cube Volume of Box Volume of Cylinder Volume of Cone Volume of Sphere ** Pass in appropriate variables Perimeter: Perimter of Square Perimeter of Rectangle ** Pass in appropriate variables Circumference: Circumference of Circle ** Pass in appropriate variables Pythagorus Theorem: ** Pass in 2 values (a,b) Once you have finished the class, create a library (.jar) file with the name Taz2015.jar Next create another java project called Tester, a package called .net.dtcc.tester, and a class called LibTester. You will need to import your Taz2015.jar to the project (hint: remember derby.jar?). In this class, you should test each method in the library.
In: Computer Science
Dev c++ should be used to answer the question above.
SCIMS at USP wants to maintain student records using linked lists. The school currently offers 3 first-year courses which are CS100, CS101 and CS110. These courses are compulsory and are required by students to do in a semester. All courses have two assignments (20% each ), a mid-semester test (10%) and final exam (50%). The following file contains the students' records, course lists with appropriate marks. Student file contains students id number and name. Each course file contains students mark (assignment 1, assignment 2, MST and final exam). Beside each assessment in the file, the total mark for that particular assessment is given.
Student. Txt
ID Fname Lname
1234 David Dalton
9138 Shirley Gross
3124 Cynthia Morley
4532 Albert Roberts
5678 Amelia Pauls
6134 Samson Smith
7874 Michael Garett
8026 Melissa Downey
9893 Gabe Yu
ID A1(50) A2(50) MST(30)FE(100)
1234 25 25 20 60
9138 15 30 10 50
3124 30 20 20 80
4532 36 47 30 90
5678 10 10 10 30
6134 45 50 25 20
7874 36 5 10 35
8026 47 2 12 40
9893 35 20 20 56
ID A1(40) A2(30) MST(20)FE(100)
1234 15 25 20 50
9138 20 30 20 70
3124 40 20 20 80
4532 16 12 10 75
5678 10 10 10 30
6134 25 30 20 20
7874 36 5 10 35
8026 5 22 12 40
9893 35 20 20 56
ID A1(30) A2(50) MST(30)FE(100)
1234 15 25 20 50
9138 20 30 20 70
3124 40 35 30 80
4532 16 12 10 75
5678 20 30 20 30
6134 25 30 20 20
7874 36 5 10 35
8026 5 22 12 40
9893 35 20 20 56
You are required to write a program for the school to do grade
calculation and analysis using linked lists. The following criteria
need to be used for grade calculation for each course:
Total Score Grade GPA
85 or more A+ 4.5
78 to 84 A 4
71 to 77 B+ 3.5
65 to 70 B 3
56 to 64 C+ 2.5
50 to 55 C 2
40 to 49 D 1.5
0 to 39 E 1
Please do note that if the student does not meet the minimum 40%
mark in the final exam and the course total mark is above 50 then
the student should be given a D grade.
1. Draw the structure of the linked list using an appropriate tool
with all relevant data from the file.
2. This problem must be solved using linked list. You have to use
classes to create linked list.
3. The main program should be able to do the following:
Create a linked list for each file and store the records of the
Calculate the total mark and grade of a student for each course
which must be stored in the list.
Create a menu for the user that can do the following:
o Exit program
o Display all students for SCIMS
o Display the marks and grade for each course. The course code will
be entered by the user.
o Display all students who got D grade because the minimum 40% was
not met in the final exam. The display should include student ID,
name, course code, total mark.
o Display all students who failed all three courses.
o Display students in each course who got A+.
o Calculate and display semester GPA for all students. Semester GPA
is calculated by adding GPA for all courses and then divided by the
number of courses.
o Delete a student record from all the linked lists. The program
should prompt the student id number.
o Add a student record in all linked lists.
Except the first menu, all others should be implemented using
functions of the main program.
Dev c++ should be used to answer the question above.
In: Computer Science
Give you pre-order traversal and in-order traversal, please output post-order traversal.
Two lines. Pre-order traversal and in-order traversal.
Post-order traversal.
Sample Input
Sample Output
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
Many believe that cloud computing can reduce the total cost of computing and enhance “green computing” (environmental friendly). Why do you believe this to be correct? If you disagree, please explain why?
In: Computer Science
I am using the program Python.
Assume a function called count_primes is pre-definied. If consumes two int arguments start and stop that returns the number of prime integers between start (inclusive) and stop (exclusive).
Note: The start value must be less than or equal to the stop value.
Enter 3 assertEqual statements to test the count_primes function.
In: Computer Science
Design and implement a program to allow a college administrator
to register new students and
add courses to the existing one. In addition, your program should
allow the administrator to do
the following:
• Add/Remove a new student
• Add/Remove a course to/from a selected student
• Search for a student either by last name or by id.
• Search for a course either by name or by id.
• Display a selected student along with the courses s/he is
registered for.
• List all registered students along with the courses each student
is registered for.
Using java
In: Computer Science
Python program
please no def, main, functions
Given a list of negative integers, write a Python program to display each integer in the list that is evenly divisible by either 5 or 7. Also, print how many of those integers were found.
Sample input/output:
Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): 5 Number of integers evenly divisible by either 5 or 7: 0
Sample input/output:
Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): -5 -5 is evenly divisible by either 5 or 7. Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): -35 -35 is evenly divisible by either 5 or 7. Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): -3 Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): -7 -7 is evenly divisible by either 5 or 7. Enter a negative integer (0 or positive to end): 0 Number of integers evenly divisible by either 5 or 7: 3
In: Computer Science
a.Draw the block diagram of a 4-bit ripple carry adder using full adders. Use the black box of the full adder in question 1.
b.Draw the block diagram of a 4-bit adder/subtractor circuit. The circuit should have an input (add/sub) that determines the operation (0: add, 1: subtract)
In: Computer Science
Explain recurrence including the explanation of Merge-sort and recursion tree. Then provide one example of pros and cons.
In: Computer Science
Create a Java Program/Class named MonthNames that will display the Month names using an array.
1. Create an array of string named MONTHS and assign it the values "January" through "December". All 12 months need to be in the array with the first element being "January", then "February", etc.
2. Using a loop, prompt me to enter an int variable of 1-12 to display the Month of the Year. Once you have the value, the program needs to adjust the given input to align with the array index and then confirm that the variable is in the range of 0-11. If it is not, display "Invalid Entry". If it is in range, display the string the matches the given entry. Then prompt to continue.
Tip:For the String input for the Prompt to Continue - it is preferable to use .next() instead of .nextLine(). Otherwise you will run into the Scanner Bug described in Section 3.10.
3. Display "Done" after the loop processing has ended.
Enter the Month of the Year: 1
The month name is January
Try again (Y/N): Y
Enter the Month of the Year : 2
The Month name is February.
Try again (Y/N): Y
Enter the Month of the Year : 55
Invalid Entry
Try again (Y/N): N
You can copy the code below to seed your array.:
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
The project description: As a programmer, you have been asked to write a Java application, using OOP concepts, for a Hospital with the following requirements: • The Hospital has several employees and each one of them has an ID (int), name (string), address (string), mobile phone number (string), email (string) and salary (double) with suitable data types. • The employees are divided into: o Administration staff: who have in addition to the previous information their position (string). o Doctor: who have also a rank (string) and specialty (string). The project requirements: • You will need to create all the needed Java classes with all the required information. • You have to apply all the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts that we have covered in this module (i.e. inheritance, polymorphism, interface and collections) • Include a Microsoft Word document (name it as readme.doc) that includes several screenshots of your Netbeans IDE application GUI interface as well as the output screenshot results. Provide all assumptions that you have made during design and implementation. • Include the whole Netbeans Java project with all source codes. Write as much comments as possible to document your source codes. At the end, you will need to create a testing class (e.g. with the static main() method with the following requirements: • It must have initial fixed collections of working staff (at least 3 administration staffs and 2 doctors) • The program will print a selection screen where the user can choose the operation he/she wants to perform. The selection screen will be repeated after each selection until the staff type the number 4 to completely exit from the program: 1. Add an administration staff (by providing all her/his information) to the list of all administration staff 2. Add a doctor (by providing all her/his information) to the list of all doctors 3. Print all working staff (remember to differentiate between administration staff and doctors in the output printout 4. Exit the program
In: Computer Science
Your first project is to build your own home page. The page should be some sort of introduction to you, and include more than a single page.
Other than that, there are no rigid guidelines as to what these pages should contain.
If you're looking for ideas of what to put into your personal pages, here are some starters:
These are just ideas, though. What you put on your home site is entirely up to you.
You might want to consider your audience a specific group, such as classmates and the instructor--in which case you might want to include information such why you're taking this class, what kind of computer and 'net connection you're using, etc. Or, you may want to make your audience anyone who might be interested in or you know
In: Computer Science
Write code that classifies a given amount of money (which you store in a variable named amount), specified in cents, as greater monetary units. Your code lists the monetary equivalent in dollars (100 ct), quarters (25 ct), dimes (10 ct), nickels (5 ct), and pennies (1 ct). Your program should report the maximum number of dollars that fit in the amount, then the maximum number of quarters that fit in the remainder after you subtract the dollars, then the maximum number of dimes that fit in the remainder after you subtract the dollars and quarters, and so on for nickels and pennies. The result is that you express the amount as the minimum number of coins needed. Please show me how to do it in the jupyter notebook.
In: Computer Science