the pathologic mechanisms of atherosclerosis
1. Hyperlipidemia:
- The cholesterol which is derived from lipoproteins form
atherosclerotic plaques will form lesions of atherosclerosis
2. Hypertension:
- Systolic BP over 160 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure over 90mm
of Hg leads to 5 times higher risk for atherosclerosis
- As per injury hypothesis, epithelial injury caused by high BP
leads to plaque formation
- Hypertension leads to mechanical injury to the arterial wall
which leads to atherosclerotic IHD and cerebrovascular disease
3. Smoking:
- There is a close association between smoking and
- There will be reduced level of HDL in smokers and accumulation
of carbon monoxide in blood that produces carbohy haemoglobin and
hypoxia in arterial walls which favours for atherosclerosis
- Increased nicotine in blood leads to increased platelet
adhesiveness, raised endothelial permeability which eventually
increases the chances of atherosclerosis
4. Diabetes mellitus:
- Atherosclerosis develops early in the patients with insulin
dependent and non insulin dependent DM
- Due to DM, there will be increased aggression of platelets,
increased LDL and decreased HDL, it will trigger