Short learning questions: 1) What factors effect ethical behavior? 2) Using theory X and Y, which...

Short learning questions:
1) What factors effect ethical behavior?
2) Using theory X and Y, which management style would lead to higher levels of engagement and motivation?
3) What factors influence a person’s response to stress and strain.
4) Describe the role culture plays in decision making?
5) What will be the communication skills of effective managers?

In: Economics

A. Discuss the characteristics of perfect competition. B. Explain why a fast food restaurant often displays...

A. Discuss the characteristics of perfect competition.

B. Explain why a fast food restaurant often displays characteristics of perfect competition.

C. Describe how your restaurant would maximize its short-run profits.

D. Discuss why a firm in perfect competition may choose to be open on Mondays, typically the slowest day of the week, when their revenues do not seem to be sufficient to warrant doing so.

E. Discuss the long-run benefits of running a firm in perfect competition.

In: Economics

2. List six competitive challenges faced by Canadian organizations. Describe and give an example of any...

2. List six competitive challenges faced by Canadian organizations. Describe and give an example of any one of the six challenges faced by an organization you are familiar with.

Human resource management subject
3. Define strategic HRM and how it is linked to an organization’s business strategy. Provide an example.

4. Define and give three examples of one human right legal concept affecting managers and HRMs

5.As the HRM, what six questions would you ask in order to gather job information that would help you write a job description?

6. What three factors should be considered in designing a job?

10. Three reasons why you are studying a human resource management program?

In: Economics

I need an detalied explanation about how COVID-19 pandemic effects any countries economy in short term...

I need an detalied explanation about how COVID-19 pandemic effects any countries economy in short term and long term. In the examination part, we have to touch economic growth, inflation, unemployment, trade deficit and public debt stock.

Assume that this country's monetary and fiscal policy are in very expansionary mode.

Please explain the concepts in detail. Thanks.

In: Economics

Find an example from over the past 50 years of a successful strategic alliance and an...

Find an example from over the past 50 years of a successful strategic alliance and an example of failed one. On the discussion board put down, for each – the successful and the failed one:

  1. Failed Strategic Alliance/Joint Venture name.
  2. What led to the failure (use book’s terminology)?
  3. Successful Strategic Alliance/Joint Venture name.
  4. What led to the success (use book’s terminology)?

In: Economics

A town's department of public works is concerned about adverse public reaction to a sewer project...

A town's department of public works is concerned about adverse public reaction to a sewer project that is currently in progress. Because of this, the Commissioner of Public Works has authorized a weekly survey to be conducted of town residents. Each week, a sample of 100 residents is questioned on their feelings towards the project. The results to date are shown below. Analyze this data using a P-chart with a 5% risk of Type I error (Z=3). Is the community sentiment stable?
Week        1    2    3 4 5 6 7 8

Opposed 10 8 12 6 4 14 8 10

a) Determine the upper control limit (UCL) of P-chart.
b) Determine the lower control limit (UCL) of P-chart.
c) Is the community sentiment stable?

In: Economics

Problem 1: Explain how 6-Sigma differs from traditional quality control. Problem2: Can a product achieve a...

Problem 1: Explain how 6-Sigma differs from traditional quality control.

Problem2: Can a product achieve a quality of design but not a quality of conformance?

In: Economics

A market basket has three items in 1990, refrigerators that cost $600, washers that cost $300,...

  1. A market basket has three items in 1990, refrigerators that cost $600, washers that cost $300, and stoves that cost $200. In 2017, these items (similar brand, size and quality) cost $1000, $600, and $500, respectively. I decide to say that the base year is 2000 where the costs of these items were $800, $450, and $350, respectively. In each year, people purchased 10 refrigerators, 20 washers and 25 stoves. Calculate the CPI index for 1990 and 2017.

Item Base Year 2000 1990 cost 2017 cost

Refrigerator $800 $600 $1000

Washers $450 $300 $600

Stoves $350 $200 $500

  1. The substitution effect is one problem with the CPI. Using data from problem one and from data that you make up, show me why the substitution effect is a problem. Does the substitution effect overstate or understate inflation. Your calculations will show which one.
  1. As mentioned above, one problem with the CPI is the substitution effect. Another problem is that taxes are not taken into account. We did not talk about disappearing products (type writers) or products that appear (computers) through time. How do you think these things are accounted for when calculating the CPI?
  1. Show me a graph of the business cycle and label it.

In: Economics

Using the Porter and Kramer (2011) approach to shared value, how does local procurement create shared...

Using the Porter and Kramer (2011) approach to shared value, how does local procurement create shared value in the supply chain for a company and for other stakeholders? (maximum 200 words, 5 points) 2) Identify three key considerations or elements to be addressed when implementing local procurement in a company. Discuss using an example from your Assignment 2 case study company or another case. (maximum 300 words, 10 points)

In: Economics

Suppose market QD = 90 – 15P and market QS = 6P – 204 and the...

Suppose market QD = 90 – 15P and market QS = 6P – 204 and the representative firm’s total cost is TC = 4 + 3q + 0.1q2 and its marginal cost is MC = 3 + 0.2q.

a.What is market equilibrium price? Show your work.

b.What is the firm’s profit maximizing level of output at this price? Assume this is a perfectly competitive industry.

c.What is the firm’s profit?

d.If these same market conditions persist, would there likely be entry into this industry, exit from the industry, or no change in the long run? Explain briefly.

In: Economics

Is a decrease in the unemployment rate necessarily a good thing for the nation? Explain. Need...

Is a decrease in the unemployment rate necessarily a good thing for the nation? Explain. Need to be six hundred words long or more with citation and references. Can't be more than 20% of sources use. Thanks

In: Economics

During 2007-2009, the global economy experienced a severe recession. To deal with recessionary gaps in their...

During 2007-2009, the global economy experienced a severe recession. To deal with recessionary gaps in their economies, many countries implemented expansionary fiscal policies to increase aggregate expenditures. Consider the following hypothetical responses (the actual policies were different in each country).

In 2009, the government of the United States introduced a $675 billion stimulus package - additional government expenditures with no changes to the tax system. In Canada, the tax rate was reduced from 33 percent of GDP to 30 percent of GDP at a cost of $80 billion. Both policies cost about the same nominal dollar value per capita.

QUESTION 1a) (20 Points)

For each country, use the Desired Aggregate Expenditure and Actual National Income framework to illustrate (with a diagram) the impact of each policy on equilibrium expenditure and income. Explain how the government’s new policy alters equilibrium income.

Do a separate illustration for each country. Be sure to label each axis, all equilibrium points and every line or curve. Show the initial equilibrium, show how the policy changed Aggregate Expenditure and show the new equilibrium after the policy was introduced.

QUESTION 1c) (10 Points) Find the new equilibrium GDP (Y) for each country after implementing their expansionary fiscal policies. Show your calculations.

QUESTION 1d) (20 points) Which country chose the wiser policy to deal with a recessionary gap? Use your analysis to justify your answer. Is additional information you would need to help choose which policy option was wiser?

In: Economics

In 400 words How Working From Home Is Changing The Way We Think About Where We...

In 400 words How Working From Home Is Changing The Way We Think About Where We Live. Why you are studying business. Why do you think it is important to study business? Based on your review of the current topics, explain how today's business world is changing and how you may use the skills you learn to differentiate yourself from other people in your field. Please type

In: Economics

Consider the market for white athletic socks, which consumers consider to be identical products. If the...

Consider the market for white athletic socks, which consumers consider to be identical products. If the demand is very elastic and the supply is very inelastic, how would the burden of a new tax on athletic socks be shared between consumers and producers? What if the situation were reversed – a very inelastic demand and a very elastic supply? How would that change the way consumers and producers share the burden of the new tax? Justify your answer.

In: Economics

Discuss the various monetary policy levers used by politicians and bureaucrats to guide the economy in...

Discuss the various monetary policy levers used by politicians and bureaucrats to guide the economy in the direction they deem most beneficial. Why do these policy levers produce unexpected results? How do these policy actions change your behavior regarding spending and saving?

In: Economics