On the basis of the following Marginal utility data for products X and Y Assume that...

On the basis of the following Marginal utility data for products X and Y Assume that the prices of X and Y are $2 and $4 respectively and that the consumer's income is $16.

Units of X


MUx/ Px





















Refer to the above data. How many units of the two products will the consumer purchase to achieve the equilibrium?

In: Economics

What are the main economic frictions in the U.S. real estate market, and how do they...

  1. What are the main economic frictions in the U.S. real estate market, and how do they impact home sales?

In: Economics

CASE # 1 (Managing without Managers) Just Music, a European commercial music service, is synonymous with...

CASE # 1 (Managing without Managers)
Just Music, a European commercial music service, is synonymous with dramatically changing the way consumers access and use music on a day-to-day basis. They have succeeded in moving consumers away from buying music and, instead, moving them towards a model of renting the music they enjoy for a monthly fee. The European music giant, launched in 2008, was developed into the business we know today by European entrepreneur Paul Moon, who was inspired to create a service that would be easier and more convenient for customers to use than the now- illegal file sharing websites that were popular at the time.
Like many technology companies, Just Music has a flat organizational structure as opposed to complex hierarchies of management. For Managing Without Managers companies like Just Music it is imperative that they can work in a fast-moving way that allows changes in content to get to the customer as quickly as possible. In order to work as efficiently as possible Just Music have adopted a management and organizational structure based upon squads, chapters, tribes, and guilds. Although you won’t find theory talking about organizational tribes or chapters, it does provide a useful way for Just Music to organize their staff and reporting structures in an industry where many are trying to remove mangers entirely.
‘Squads’ are the building blocks of organizational structure at Just Music. These small teams work in a way that is similar to a small startup business. These squads sit together in one shared space in order to work as effectively as possible on one long term mission; usually improving a specific area or part of the Just Music experience. Squads do not have a manager and instead work together to ensure the overall problem is solved. Each squad does however have a ‘Product Owner’, and it is their job to ensure that work is prioritized across the whole squad. Within each squad you will find employees with different skills that can contribute towards the squad achieving their goal.
‘Tribes’ are groups of squads that work in similar areas. This means that all the squads who are working on web-based services are part of the same tribe; and squads who work on the mobile Just Music application will be part of a different tribe. Each tribe, like the individual squads, is able to work autonomously with very little traditional management taking place. Within the Just Music offices the multiple squads that make up each tribe sit close together to allow collaboration between squads as needed, however the ethos of Just Music aims to discourage squads and tribes being dependent on one another so that change can happen as quickly as possible, something that is incredibly important in the ever changing technology markets.
In order to be able to manage the staff and structure throughout the organization Just Music utilizes what they term ‘Chapters’. These chapters are collections of people who have similar skills but who work in various squads; for example, a chapter may be comprised of all of the programmers in the various squads within one tribe. It is within these chapters that we see more of a link to traditional management theory with clearer lines of management and responsibility for staff members, their development, pay and progression. The only time people tend to work outside their tribe is when taking part in ‘Guild’ activities. The guilds are cross tribe groups of people who have similar interests but again do not have any formal management, and are instead autonomous and self-managed, working on projects or problems that interest them.
As a fast-moving technology company, it is of course essential for Just Music to be able to react, change, and adapt their online content quickly. In approaching management in a nontraditional manner, they have allowed individuals to be more creative whilst still meeting the overall goals of the business. There are however potential difficulties with adopting this more relaxed attitude to management, as there is an overall lack of control and there are opportunities for the freedom
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offered to staff to be misused. The increase in technology companies such as Just Music is changing the landscape of management, with many trying to avoid traditional management practices altogether. Just Music is somewhat unique in its field as they have recognized the need for management within the organization, however they have attempted to find a unique way of balancing the need for freedom and creativity in the workforce whilst still undertaking basic management activities. As Just Music grows, they may need to reflect upon their approach to management.

Case # 1- Discussion Questions
1. Who undertakes management at Just Music?
2. How could Just Music manage poor performing individuals or teams? Do you think this
is a problem at Just Music? Why or why not?
3. Are there any similarities to traditional management at Just Music?
4. Do you think that this approach to management would be effective within another

answer this question according to the prograph

i have no references

In: Economics

uppose Venezuela can produce petroleum at a lower opportunity cost because of its natural resources, and...

uppose Venezuela can produce petroleum at a lower opportunity cost because of its natural resources, and China can produce clothing at a low opportunity cost because of its population and level of industrial development.

Which statement below regarding comparative advantage is NOT true?

  • China has a comparative advantage in clothing production.

  • Venezuela can produce clothing at low opportunity cost.

  • Venezuela has a comparative advantage in petroleum production.

  • China can produce petroleum at high opportunity cost.


Which statement below regarding monetary and fiscal policy is FALSE?

  • If AD increases too much, prices will increase and AD will return to equilibrium.

  • The inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment is known as the Phillips Curve.

  • Expansionary policy causes AD to shift to the left.

  • The situation where unemployment is high and inflation is high is stagflation.

In: Economics

Outline why the culture of a Country might influence the cost of doing Business in that...

Outline why the culture of a Country might influence the cost of doing Business in that Country. Illustrate your answer with examples.

In: Economics

Consider a Doctor in hebron, his opponunity cost of staying in his clinic is 50 per...

Consider a Doctor in hebron, his opponunity cost of staying in his clinic is 50 per hour. The clinic weekly rent is 3OO and electrity and other costs is 10/hour. Normally the doctor stay 4 hours in his clinic per day:

a, What is the marginal cost of staying for one more hour?

b. If the Doctor expect 3 patients in the fifth hour and he charge 25/patient , is it sensible 10 stay open for the extra hour? Explain your answer

In: Economics

The economic functions of the public sector are: 1) Legal framework (property rights and enforcement of...

The economic functions of the public sector are: 1) Legal framework (property rights and enforcement of contracts), 2) Correct for market failure (no, the market won't do it...that's why it's called market failure), 3) provide common and public goods

In: Economics

1. Economists classify all of the following as physical capital, except_______? a. $20.00 bill b. Mc...

1. Economists classify all of the following as physical capital, except_______?
a. $20.00 bill
b. Mc Rotunda building where an economics class meets

c. A photocopier

d. A railroad car
e. A factory

In: Economics

The Economics 207 chapter discusses "Market inefficiencies: Externalities and Public Goods" The 2 part question is:...

The Economics 207 chapter discusses "Market inefficiencies: Externalities and Public Goods"

The 2 part question is:

a) If there is a positive externality associated with a market activity and the government does not intervene to correct for it, what will be the result of the market activity in terms of efficiency...overallocation or underallocation of resources to the market activity? Discuss your answer.

b) If there is a negative externality associated with a market activity and the government does not intervene to correct for it, what will be the result of the market activity in terms of efficiency....overallocation or under allocation of resources to the market activity? Discuss your answer.

In: Economics

Add explain please 1. In the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, when does the aggregate...

Add explain please

1. In the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, when does the aggregate quantity of goods demanded increase?

a. when the expected price level rises

b. when the dollar appreciates

c. when real wealth rises

d. when the interest rate rises

2. What would cause the real exchange rate of the Canadian dollar to depreciate?

a. the imposition of Canadian government import quotas

b. capital flight from Canada

c. an increase in the Canadian government budget deficit

d. an decrease in the world interest rate

3. According to the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, in the long run what is the impact of an increase in the money supply?

a. It increases GDP, but it does not change the price level

b. It increases the price level, but it does not change real GDP

c. It lowers both the price level and real GDP

d. It increases both the price level and real GDP

4. How would aggregate demand change if foreign incomes increase and the exchange rate value of the dollar increases?

a. Neither change would affect aggregate demand.

b. The increase in income would decrease aggregate demand; the increase in the exchange rate would increase aggregate demand.

c. The increase in income would increase aggregate demand; the increase in the exchange rate would decrease aggregate demand.

d. Both changes would decrease aggregate demand.

In: Economics

A monopolist is a: Price taker Price maker Efficient firm Firm with high consumer welfare

A monopolist is a:

Price taker

Price maker

Efficient firm

Firm with high consumer welfare

In: Economics

Consider a 2x2 pure exchange Edgeworth box economy. Each consumer is endowed with two units of...

Consider a 2x2 pure exchange Edgeworth box economy. Each consumer is endowed with two units of x and one unit of y. Consumer A has (strictly) monotonic preferences over good x and is otherwise indifferent between any levels of good y. The preferences for consumer B are given by Ub(x, y) = x + 2y. What ratio of prices Px/Py will clear both markets?

In: Economics

TYPED ANSWER PLEASE In present COVID-19 circumstances the government put the restriction on the hiking the...


In present COVID-19 circumstances the government put the restriction on the hiking the prices of the medical items such as “face mask, Sanitizer and the Hand gloves).

Similarly, during the “Ramadan” government put restriction on raising the prices of the essential commodities used during this festive month of “Ramadan”

Considering these situation Discuss concept of

(a) Price Celling and Price Floor ( support with different example)

(b) Analyze the outcome of government intervention by applying these two restrictions.

In: Economics

What were the major battles that occurred during the first part of 1862. Why were they...

What were the major battles that occurred during the first part of 1862. Why were they so significant?

In: Economics

Starbucks has selected your company to develop an ad campaign for their new line of coffees,...

  1. Starbucks has selected your company to develop an ad campaign for their new line of coffees, Starbucks Reserve Coffee. In one week, you need to produce a presentation that highlights the ad strategy. After conducting some online research on the Internet and the company's website, you need specific information about the selection process of the beans, the specific qualities of the soil in which they grow, and the process of the roasting, all of which ensures that it meets the criteria of the line. Your director has provided "Joe Kaphay" as the contact at Starbucks for the information you seek. Write an e-mail to Joe Kaphay requesting the information you need to develop a compelling presentation.

In: Economics