1.Which of the following would not be included in an economist's definition of investment spending? a...

1.Which of the following would not be included in an economist's definition of investment spending?


the purchase of robots by Motor Magic Manufacturing


the construction of a new office building by the Mountain City Real Estate Company


the purchase of General Motors stock by Donald Trump


the purchase of a new pizza oven by H and R Pizza


an unexpected rise in inventories at Randle Manufacturing

2. A decrease in the demand for peanut butter could be caused by a(n)


increase in the supply of peanut butter


increase in the price of peanut butter


doubling of the price of bread


drought in Georgia that destroyed 30 percent of the peanut crop


increase in consumer income

3. Which of the following would indicate the beginnings of an expansion of the economy?


fewer new firms are started


stock market prices decline


consumer confidence improves


housing construction slows


orders for new equipment decrease

4. To determine the CPI, you would need to know the


current market basket at current- and base-year prices


base-year market basket at current- and base-year prices


current market basket at current prices and base-year market basket at base-year prices


current market basket at base-year prices only


current market basket at current prices only

In: Economics

An increase in supply means that: a.the supply curve has shifted leftward. b.there is an upward...

An increase in supply means that:

a.the supply curve has shifted leftward.

b.there is an upward movement along the supply curve.

c.producers are willing to sell more at each price.

d.there is a downward movement along the supply curve.

An increase in the equilibrium price and quantity in a market occurs when there is a:

a.rightward shift of the demand curve, given an upward-sloping supply curve.

b.leftward shift of the demand curve, given an upward-sloping supply curve.

c.rightward shift of the supply curve, given a downward-sloping demand curve.

d.leftward shift of the supply curve, given a downward-sloping demand curve

A decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity occurs when there is a:

a.rightward shift of the demand curve, given an upward-sloping supply curve.

b.leftward shift of the demand curve, given an upward-sloping supply curve.

c.rightward shift of the supply curve, given a downward-sloping demand curve.

d.leftward shift of the supply curve, given a downward-sloping demand curve.

Suppose the demand for and the supply of a good increases simultaneously. Which of the following is likely to be true in this case?

a.The equilibrium price increases, unequivocally.

b.The equilibrium price decreases, unequivocally.

c.The equilibrium quantity increases, unequivocally.

d.The equilibrium quantity decreases, unequivocally.

In: Economics

Janine is considering buying a water filter and a reusable water bottle rather than buying bottled...

Janine is considering buying a water filter and a reusable water bottle rather than buying bottled water. Will doing so save her money?

First, determine what information you need to answer this question, then click here to display that info (along with other info).

  • How much water does Janine drink in a day? She normally drinks 3 bottles a day, each 16.9 ounces.
  • How much does a bottle of water cost? She buys 24-packs of 16.9 ounce bottles for $2.99.
  • How much does a reusable water bottle cost? About $10.
  • How long does a reusable water bottle last? Basically forever (or until you lose it).
  • How much does a water filter cost? How much water will they filter?
    • A faucet-mounted filter costs about $28 and includes one filter cartridge. Refill filters cost about $33 for a 3-pack. The box says each filter will filter up to 100 gallons (378 liters)
    • A water filter pitcher costs about $22 and includes one filter cartridge. Refill filters cost about $20 for a 4-pack. The box says each filter lasts for 40 gallons or 4 months
    • An under-sink filter costs $130 and includes one filter cartridge. Refill filters cost about $60 each. The filter lasts for 500 gallons.

Which option is cheapest over one year (365 days)?

The cheapest option saves her $ over a year.

Give your answer to the nearest cent. Pro-rate the costs of additional filters (so if you only use part of a filter, only count the corresponding fraction of the filter cost).

In: Economics

San Francisco voters rejected proposition E years ago. Read the proposition (see Moodle for Prop E...

San Francisco voters rejected proposition E years ago. Read the proposition (see Moodle for Prop E summary) and answer the following questions.

a) Describe Proposition E?

b) List some of the arguments in favor of Proposition E. Do you agree with them?

c) List some of the arguments against Proposition E. Do you agree with them?

d) How will Proposition E affect the soda market? What will happen to the quantity of soda bought and sold? What will happen to the price of soda? Who will ultimately pay this tax?

e) Would you vote for a soda tax?

In: Economics

) Market imperfections can raise the cost of insurance above the actuarially fair price. Explain three...

) Market imperfections can raise the cost of insurance above the actuarially fair price. Explain three frictions that may arise between the firm and its insurer.

(b) Suppose you are the manager of an insurance company. Describe three ways in which you can reduce the above-mentioned frictions.

In: Economics

Provide 200 words on the question: What is the impact of global finance on the global...

Provide 200 words on the question:

What is the impact of global finance on the global world?

In: Economics

Deutsche post world Net: Leveraging procurement savings with performance measures 1) What kind of calculation rules...

Deutsche post world Net: Leveraging procurement savings with performance measures

1) What kind of calculation rules for saving scenarios might Dirk apply?

2) How can Dirk ensure that the defined savings translate into company performance?

3) How can Dirk further support the integration of the savings measurement into DPWN’s financial planning and calculate the impact of realized savings?

4) What kind of key performance indicators can further support DPWN’s performance measurement approach?

In: Economics

“There is no point in the United States complaining about trade policies in Japan and Europe....

“There is no point in the United States complaining about trade policies in Japan and Europe. Each country has a right to do whatever is in its own best interest. Instead of complaining about foreign trade policies, the United States should let other countries go their way, and give up our own prejudices about free trade and follow suit.” Discuss fully both the economics and the politically economy of this view point. Use “Prisoner’s Dilemma” as part of the analysis.

In: Economics

The objective of this Assignments is to analyze the HSBC Bank. The HSBC Bank is introduced...

The objective of this Assignments is to analyze the HSBC Bank. The HSBC Bank is introduced in its
part of department .Especially human resources management are mentioned in terms of the level
of process like recruitment process, career and capability management , compensating, etc.

According to HSBC website, The HSBC developed from The Hong Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited .The HSBC bank was established in 1865 in Hong Kong that has
offices in Shanghai and London. Firstly, the Bank was developed through offices founded in bank's
name until mid-1950 and it started to create and get subsidiaries. This term paper is interested in
the HSBC Banks’ Turkish market. The HSBC which is the first British bank access in the
Turkish market. In this term paper will be analyzed The HSBC Bank in terms of mission, vision,
general characterize and especially with Human resource features. According to data that ıt is
obtained from the official website which is And also, it is analyzed by means of job
positions, recruitment process, training and performance development, compensating. The last part is discussion..

what is the main organizational structure of the SHBC?

In: Economics

Make an assignment on the vision and mission of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited

Make an assignment on the vision and mission of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited

In: Economics

a) “According to the long-run classical model, there will be a decrease in the world interest...

a) “According to the long-run classical model, there will be a decrease in the world interest rate and the world level of investment when the aging populations of industrial countries start running down their savings and, at the same time, the investment appetite of emerging economies begins to slow down.” True/False, explain with the aid of one diagram for the world market for loanable funds. (10 points) Note: The world as a whole is a closed economy.

b) A new study shows that the level of total factor productivity increases and, at the same time, the labour force participation rate falls. According to the long run classical model, what happens to the equilibrium levels of the real interest rate, the real rental price of capital, and the real wage? Explain in words and support your answer by using ONE loanable funds market diagram, ONE labour market diagram, and ONE rental market for capital diagram. (15 points)

In: Economics

Please write a paragraph or two for each question: You are working as a graduate within...

Please write a paragraph or two for each question:

You are working as a graduate within the engineering department of a manufacturing and consulting focused public listed company. You and your team are working on the post-COVID recovery and how best to allocate capital. Your team has $1,000,000 in capital at their disposal.

The accountants are expected to use terms which may not be fully understood by the greater department. So your memo will be distributed before the call or you may be asked to speak on the call to assist everyone's understanding. The memo should discuss each of the following:

1. A new product line is also being proposed and it is expected that the accountants will discuss this option. Explain the difference between fixed and variable costs and state at least three examples of each that the company may incur.

2. Some employees have raised their concern that the new product line will not be profitable and that it will cost more to produce the new product than will be made. Explain the break even point with particular focus on why a break even point is not immediate but rather is reached over time.

In: Economics

Danny likes to buy books (x1), and CDs (x2) with his monthly allowance. a)     (2) Suppose that...

Danny likes to buy books (x1), and CDs (x2) with his monthly allowance.

a)     (2) Suppose that books cost $10 each and CDs cost $20 each, and Danny has $200 from his allowance to spend this month. Write down the equation of Danny’s budget line.

b)     (4) Suppose Danny’s utility function is U (x1, x2) = 2x1+ x2. What can you say about Danny’s preferences for books and CDs. What is Danny’s optimal choice of books and CDs? Show the solution on a graph with the budget line and utility function.

c)     (4) Suppose that additionally Danny’s Mom says that she will buy him 5 books every month. Show how the new budget line (with the gift of 5 books) will look like. What will Danny’s new optimal choice be?

d)     (3) If Danny is able to buy the first 5 books at regular price, all additional books are half price, draw Danny’s new budget line.

In: Economics

The interest rate on 3-year Australia government bonds has been approximately 0.25% since April. Which of...

The interest rate on 3-year Australia government bonds has been approximately 0.25% since April. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of this near-zero market rate of interest on government bonds?

a. Australia government budget surpluses in recent years.

b. The target cash rate being set at 0.25%.

c. The low level of government debt.

d. Purchases of bonds by the Reserve Bank of Australia on the secondary market.

e. Purchases of bonds by the Reserve Bank of Australia on the primary market.

Suppose you receive the following spot exchange rate quotes from a bank:

AUD/USD 0.65-0.66

You have USD 1,000,000, which you wish to convert into AUD. How many AUD will you be able to purchase?

a. 650,000.

b. 655,000.

c. 1,538,461.

d. 1,515,152.

e. 660,000.

Due to a global economic crisis, the private sector reduces its investment spending and increases its planned saving, so that the private sector financial balance goes from a deficit of 2% of GDP to a surplus of 5% of GDP. The current account balance goes from a surplus of 1% of GDP to a deficit of 2% of GDP. This implies the fiscal balance must go from a ____________ of _________ of GDP to a ___________ of _________ of GDP.

a. surplus; 1%; deficit; 3%.

b. surplus; 3%; deficit; 3%.

c. deficit; 3%; surplus 7%.

d. surplus; 3%; deficit; 7%.

e. deficit; 3%; deficit 7%.

In: Economics

Describe both the costs and benefits of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the home and host...

Describe both the costs and benefits of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the home and host countries.

In: Economics