1.Why is a financial structure of a mix of equity and debt finance being preferred in...

1.Why is a financial structure of a mix of equity and debt finance being preferred in financing businesses?

2.Explain why people demand for money and how demand for money would have been influenced by Covid-19 epidemic?


In: Economics

Definitions / Explanations (define the following terms/concepts) Terms of trade and relationship to the large country...

  1. Definitions / Explanations
  1. (define the following terms/concepts)
  1. Terms of trade and relationship to the large country tariff case
  2. Customs union versus a common market
  3. Economies of scale and relevance to trade theory

In: Economics

Name other segmentation dimensions that could be used for the company. ( Of Berkshire Hathaway)

Name other segmentation dimensions that could be used for the company. ( Of Berkshire Hathaway)

In: Economics

12. If _________ is/are approved, the President has a limited time in which to complete trade...

12. If _________ is/are approved, the President has a limited time in which to complete trade negotiations, and Congress must vote up or down on the negotiated agreement within 90 day legislative days of submission,

  1. The escape clause
  2. Safeguards
  3. Trade promotion authority (fast track)
  4. Trade remedy laws

13. All of the following countries are part of the TPP except

  1. Peru
  2. Vietnam
  3. China
  4. Australia

14. If processing occurs at different stages in production, it is considered

A) Vertical trade whereby traditional patterns of comparative advantage prevail

B) Intra industry trade whereby trade prevails due to product differentiation

C) Horizontal trade whereby trade occurs due to comparative advantage

D) None of the above

  1. If the U.S. and China have a tariff war and thus reverse the gains from free trade, who wins and loses according to the Stolper Samuelson theorem. In choosing your answer consider the U.S. to be capital abundant and China to be labor abundant.

  1. Capital in the U.S. loses, while labor in China loses
  2. Capital in the China loses, while labor in U.S. loses
  3. Everybody is a loser as the gains from trade due to economies of scale and variety are lost
  4. None of the above

  1. There may be NO inherent comparative advantage between countries in which of the following models.

  1. Ricardian
  2. Heckscher-Ohlin
  3. Monopolistic competition
  4. Specific factors

In: Economics

Why might it be rational for a developing country to choose protectionism rather than specialize in...

  1. Why might it be rational for a developing country to choose protectionism rather than specialize in its area of comparative advantage?

  1. Why do developing countries argue that they are hurt by stringent protection of intellectual property? Why do developed countries argue that provisions for intellectual property are an important concern for multilateral trade agreements?
  1. Provide an argument as to why increased trade would improve the environment. Then provide one argument as to why increased trade might worsen the environment.

In: Economics

Explain the advantages of business ethics. What do you think management's role should be in setting...

    1. Explain the advantages of business ethics.
    2. What do you think management's role should be in setting ethical standards?
    3. What is social responsibility? In what ways can demonstrating social responsibility be positive for a business?
    4. What responsibilities do corporations have to their stakeholders, such as stockholders, employees, and customers?
  1. Your paper should be 500 to 600 words in length. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting and in-text citations, if used, for your analysis paper.
  2. Use APA Level One Headings (See OCLS APA Writing Styles Guides) to organize your answers so that it is clear to which question(s) you are replying.
    1. For your answer to Question 10a, use “Business Ethics” as your first centered heading.
    2. For your answer to Question 10b, use “Management’s Role in Setting Ethical Standards” as your second centered heading.
    3. For Question 10c, use “Social Responsibility” as your third centered heading.
    4. For Question 10d, use “Responsibilities to Stakeholders” as your fourth centered heading.
  3. Your paper should have an APA title page and be in APA format. Make sure you reference resources, any articles you use, or the Bible appropriately when used as an information source

In: Economics

Discuss the role of macroeconomics in addressing the effects of covid-19 on the econnomy of Ghana

Discuss the role of macroeconomics in addressing the effects of covid-19 on the econnomy of Ghana

In: Economics

Steel is the main input in the production of cars. A decrease in the price of...

  1. Steel is the main input in the production of cars. A decrease in the price of steel will shift.

  1. Supply curve of cars to the right
  2. Demand curve of cars to the right
  3. Supply curve of cars to the left
  4. Demand curve of cars to the left
  1. An increase in the price of a substitute good will shift the

  1. Supply curve to the left
  2. Supply curve to the right
  3. Demand curve to the right
  4. Demand curve to the left
  1. Two goods are substitutes if a decrease in the price of one--an increase in demand for the other


  1. When the income elasticity of demand is negative then goods are complements.


  1. When quantity demanded is lower than quantity supplied, then

  1. Price continue to fall until market reaches the equilibrium
  2. The supply curve will shift to the right
  3. Prices will be unaffected
  4. Prices continue to rise until market reaches the equilibrium

In: Economics

Identify the The Department of Transportation (DOT) and provide a brief summary of what the agency...

Identify the The Department of Transportation (DOT) and provide a brief summary of what the agency does.

In: Economics

Choose one of the four oligopoly models in Baye, and discuss an example

Choose one of the four oligopoly models in Baye, and discuss an example

In: Economics

1. What benefits may web collaboration provide to a general contractor in the construction industry?

1. What benefits may web collaboration provide to a general contractor in the construction industry?

In: Economics

1. You supervise an aging production line that constantly needs maintenance and new parts. Last month...

1. You supervise an aging production line that constantly needs maintenance and new parts. Last month you spent $25,000 replacing a failed controller. Should the following plan be accepted if the interest rate is 15%? The net installed cost of the new line to replace the old line is $600,000 with a useful life of six years. In the first year its operating cost will be $100,000, and it will generate annual revenues of $300,000. Each year the operating cost will increase by $5,000 and the revenues will fall by $15,000. After six years the equipment will have a value of $100,000 in the next re-building of the line.

In: Economics

In order to improve evacuation routes out of New Orleans in the event of another major...

  1. In order to improve evacuation routes out of New Orleans in the event of another major disaster such as Hurricane Katrina, the Louisiana Department of Transportation (L-DoT) is planning to construct an additional bridge across the Mississippi River.  The department uses an interest rate of 8% and plans a 50-year life for either bridge.  Which design has the better present worth?

All costs in $M

Bridge M

Bridge L

Land acquisition



Annual O & M



Annual increase



Major Maintenance (Year 25)



Salvage Cost



Initial Construction



In: Economics

Evaluate the U.S. public health policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consider issues such as virus...

Evaluate the U.S. public health policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consider issues such as virus testing, availability of medical supplies, contact tracing, social distancing, and restrictions on economic activity, social gatherings, and travel as well as any others you think important. Were U.S. policies appropriate and effective and why? What, if anything should the U.S. have done differently and why?

In: Economics

Which equipment is preferred if the firm’s interest rate is 9%?  In PW terms how great is...

  1. Which equipment is preferred if the firm’s interest rate is 9%?  In PW terms how great is the difference?


Equipment  A

Equipment  B

First Cost



Annual O & M



Salvage Value



Overhaul (Year 6)


Not required

Life, in years.



In: Economics