In: Nursing
What are your insights and reaction to these questions (at least 15 sentences per question). indicate the refences in APA format.
a. What dilemmas does epidemiology pose for nurses?
b. How can nursing move forward in establishing itself as a
contributor in this area of research?
1. Epidemiology have immense value in helping to determine the health of polpulation and in helping to plan and determine health service policy.Despite this ,it seems to be poorly understood and greatly underused by nursing profession.
Dilemmas that epidemiology pose for nursing.
The main dilemma that nursing face is ,to establish themselves in this discipline because epidemiology has long been associated with medical science .Epidemiology is seen as a descipline associated with medicine and public health.Nursing is yet to adopt epidemiological knowledge base in it's own education and practice arenas.Nursing related literature is limited .Any literature search on epidemiology in nursing reveals scant evidence of it's activity or even it's description. Powers an knapp ( 1995) acknowledge that epidemiology in nursing research practice is relatively limited and confined to doctoral program or " Pur researchers" .The poor response to nursing related literature research is perhaps attributable to the fact that nurse researches do not use terminology and language of epidemiology so it remains irretrievable. Many nurses are unaware of the impact that epidemiology has on their working practice .It has also been noted that there is a considerable overlap between epidemiological research and other quantitative research approach. For instance, Mulhall ( 1986) sees epidemiolgy as a treid and tested model for rigorous study of real life situation that would normally be accessible to experimental researchers under meticulous control measures. This will put nurses in deliemma .As such qualitative approach are viewed having a closer association with nursing than quantitative favoured by mediacal researches.It has been also noted that ,where there is an association of qualitative approaches has occurred within in rigidly orientation of epidemiology,there have been grave problems of acceptance.It is been believed among nursing that most structured training in this subject for health profession is offered in medical schools . This might also go some way towards explaining why epidemiology is often viewd as predominantly medical related discipline.The uncertain nature of epidemiolgy is another the possible explanation for its place in medicine.Lupton ( 1995) elaborates that epidemiology is a problematic area of enquirtein which outcomes and association can never be said to occur. All thesepose a delemma among nurses in their practice and in research..
B. Nursing contribution to area of epidemiological research
A notion that epidemiology is not purely medical descipline leaves a scope to extent their influence in nursing and other related proffesions.Nurses should read the current literature critically, acknowledge nursings existing contribution to the field of epidemiology and has to publish their findings. Unwin et al (1997) states thst this area of practice shoulnever Nurseshad a medical monopoly, possibly because of it's focus on health of whole community, which leaves scope for other words like nursing. start to adopt and use stratergies which use epidemiologcsl approaches.Nurses should further imrprove their position by becoming fully conversant and literate with the epidemiological terminology often in their policy reports. Such changes in practice can serve to place nusing in better position and enhance it's professional standing.Taking more active part in medically lead research is also important.Clifford and Gough (1993) observed that when nurses are involved in medical research not as initiators as assistants, there could be a reverse trend in nurses role in epidemiology. Nursing has to avail itself of epidemiological perspectives and methologies as a valuable opportunity to move forward in contributing to epidemiological research.In addition ,Valanis( 1992) feels that multidisciplinary approaches to health related problem have led to a wide spectrum of health professional participating in epidemiological research.Even though it does not include nurses now, but the situation will change in near future.
Reference: Is there a place for epidemiology in nursing? D Whitehead. Nurs Stand. 2000.Jul5-112000.Jul5-11