In: Economics
Examine the data of Morocco country if it satisfies the following conditions. Explain how will you evaluate these conditions. 1. Marshall - Lenner Condition 2. Phillip's Curve 3. Okun's Law
Marshall-Lerner condition:
This condition satisfies that the demand elasticity’s for exports
and imports are greater than one. The country’s import becomes more
expensive than exports with respect to relative change in price.
This condition explains that indirect effects of quantity of trade
exceed the direct effect. The Morocco economy is based on liberal
economy based on supply and demand in the market. It depends of
export. Morocco employs only one-third of their workforce. Under
the Marshall-Lerner condition, Moroccan economy mainly depends on
export. This condition shows that due to high expense of import;
the other countries will not come forward for import trade. This
stimulates economic development and growth. On the other hand, the
import trade relations reduced.
Philip’s curve:
Philip’s curve shows the functional relation between inflation and
unemployment. Moroccan foreign currency controls the credit supply.
Privatisation stimulated trade in shares of large former state
owned portions. Thus there is high earnings attain. Privatisation
discourages the employment level and wage rate. So less people
attracted towards the labour market. Thus inflation created through
this. One third of the population depends on mining, manufacturing
and construction. The rest of the people engaged in trade, finance,
and service sector. There is high level of unemployment among the
nontechnical degree graduates. The overall growth elasticity of
employment is low.
Okun’s law:
Okun’s law state the relation between unemployment and GDP. The
structure of Moroccan economy is service based. When the number of
participants entered to the market leads declining participation of
existing workers. Rural migration makes pressure on urban labour
market. Foreign competition leads la