
In: Computer Science

Write an MPI program that implements the hypercube bitonic sort algorithm. The program should be tested...

Write an MPI program that implements the hypercube bitonic sort algorithm. The program should be tested using a sequence of 64 integers (from 1 to 64, initially not sorted) and 8 processes. The number of elements assigned to each process is 8.


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 8
#define SWAP(x,y) t = x; x = y; y = t;

void compare();
void bitonicmerge(int, int, int);
void recbitonic(int, int, int);
void sort();

int data[MAX];
int up = 1;
int down = 0;

int main()
int i;

printf("\nEnter the data");
for (i = 0;i < MAX ;i++)
scanf("%d", &data[i]);
for (i = 0;i < MAX;i++)
printf("%d ", data[i]);
void compare(int i, int j, int dir)
int t;

if (dir == (data[i] > data[j]))
SWAP(data[i], data[j]);
void bitonicmerge(int low, int c, int dir)
int k, i;

if (c > 1)
k = c / 2;
for (i = low;i < low+k ;i++)
compare(i, i+k, dir);
bitonicmerge(low, k, dir);
bitonicmerge(low+k, k, dir);

void recbitonic(int low, int c, int dir)
int k;

if (c > 1)
k = c / 2;
recbitonic(low, k, up);
recbitonic(low + k, k, down);
bitonicmerge(low, c, dir);

void sort()
recbitonic(0, MAX, up);

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