
In: Computer Science

Application on Android Studio.   "Rock Paper Scissor". The app should ask the user to select "Rock",...

Application on Android Studio.  

"Rock Paper Scissor". The app should ask the user to select "Rock", "Paper" or "Scissor" ; the phone randomly selects a possible choice and then a winner is declared; if it is a tie, the game should continue till a winner emerges.


Expert Solution

This is the core code required for your program in Android Studio you need to put three buttons in a layout and set an on-click listener on clicking rock give input to p1 as 1 and 2,3 when you click paper and scissor buttons and it works.

import java.util.*;

class newclass{
final static int rock = 1, scissor = 2, paper = 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("user : Choose (1) - rock, (2) - scissors, or (3) - paper: ");
int p1 = scan.nextInt();
Random rand=new Random();


int k=rand.nextInt(3);
int p2=k+1;
if (p1 == p2)
} else {
switch (p1){
case rock:
if (p2 == scissor)
System.out.print("user wins");
System.out.print("system wins");
case scissor:
if (p2 == paper)
System.out.print("user wins");
System.out.print("system wins");
case paper:
if (p2 == rock)
System.out.print("user wins");
System.out.print("system wins");

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