
In: Computer Science

Copy Constructor and Operator Overloading. You are given a Date class that stores the date as...

Copy Constructor and Operator Overloading.

You are given a Date class that stores the date as day, month, year and an image of a flower.

The image of the flower is an object which stores a simple string with the flowers type.

This is an example of class composition/aggregation. There are a few important things to bear in mind.

  1. Need for copy constructor
  2. Ability to do operator overloading
  3. Need to release dynamic memory – using destructor

You are given the specification files Date.h and Image.h. Write the implementation files Date.cpp and Image.cpp. You are given a driver that creates Date objects, copies date objects and compares date objects. Your implementations should make the driver produce the correct output.


#include <iostream>
#include "Date.h"
int main()
Date first(1,2,2019,"Rose");
Date second(1,3,2019,"Lily");
Date third(first);
cout<<"First Date : "<<first.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Second Date: "<<second.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Third Date: "<<third.toString()<<endl;

if (second>first) cout<<"Second Date is more recent"<<endl;
cout<<"First Date now: "<<first.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Third Date now: "<<third.toString()<<endl;
Date fourth= second;
cout<<"Fourth Date: "<<fourth.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Second Date now: "<<second.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Fourth Date now: "<<fourth.toString()<<endl;


#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Image
string picture;
Image(string s);
string getPicture();
void setPicture(string newPic);


using namespace std;
#include <vector>
#include "Image.h"
class Date{
int day,month,year;
shared_ptr<Image> pic;
//Image *pic;

Date(int day, int month, int year, string picture);
Date(const Date &copyDate);// copy constructor

bool operator>(const Date &otherDate);// operator overlaoding

int getDay() const;

string getPicture()const; //returns the string representing the picture from the image object

shared_ptr<Image> getPic() const; // returns the image

int getMonth() const;
int getYear() const;

void setPic(string newPic) const;

Date& operator=(const Date &otherDate);// operator overloading

string toString();


Write the implementation files Date.cpp and Image.cpp.

Expected Output:
First Date : Date: 2/1/2019 Rose
Second Date: Date: 3/1/2019 Lily
Third Date: Date: 2/1/2019 Rose
Second Date is more recent
First Date now: Date: 2/1/2019 Change
Third Date now: Date: 2/1/2019 Rose
Fourth Date: Date: 3/1/2019 Lily
Second Date now: Date: 3/1/2019 Hibiscus
Fourth Date now: Date: 3/1/2019 Lily


Expert Solution

// File Name: Image.h

#ifndef IMAGE_H
#define IMAGE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Defines class Image
class Image
// Data member to store data
string picture;
// Prototype of member functions
Image(string s);
string getPicture();
void setPicture(string newPic);
};// End of class
#endif // End of IMAGE_H


#include "Image.h"

// Default constructor to assign default value
picture = "";
}// End of default constructor

// Parameterized constructor to assign parameter value to data member
Image::Image(string s)
picture = s;
}// End of parameterized constructor

// Function to return picture
string Image::getPicture()
return picture;
}// End of function

// Function to set picture
void Image::setPicture(string newPic)
picture = newPic;
}// End of function


// File Name: Date.h
#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H

#include <vector>
#include "Image.h"
using namespace std;

// Defines class Date
class Date
// Data member to store date data
int day,month,year;
// Declares an object of class Image
Image pic;

// Prototype of member functions
Date(int day, int month, int year, string picture);
// copy constructor
Date(const Date &copyDate);
// operator overlaoding
bool operator>(const Date &otherDate);

int getDay() const;

// returns the string representing the picture from the image object
string getPicture()const ;
// returns the image
Image getPic() const;

int getMonth() const;
int getYear() const;

void setPic(string newPic) ;

Date& operator=(const Date &otherDate);// operator overloading

#include "Date.h"
#include "Image.cpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

// Default constructor to assign default value
day = month = year = 0;
}// End of default constructor

// Parameterized constructor to assign parameter value to data member
Date::Date(int day, int month, int year, string picture)
this->day = day;
this->month = month;
this->year = year;
}// End of parameterized constructor

// Copy constructor to create a duplicate copy of copyDate object
Date::Date(const Date &copyDate)
// Assigns parameter object data member to implicit object data member
day =;
month = copyDate.month;
year = copyDate.year;
}// End of function

// Function to over load > operator
bool Date::operator > (const Date &otherDate)
// Checks if implicit object year is greater than the parameter object year
// then return true
if(year > otherDate.year)
return true;

// Otherwise checks if implicit object month is greater than the parameter object month
// then return true
else if(month > otherDate.month)
return true;

// Otherwise checks if implicit object day is greater than the parameter object day
// then return true
else if(day >
return true;

// Otherwise return false
return false;
}// End of function

// Function to return day
int Date::getDay() const
return day;
}// End of function

// Function to returns the string representing the picture from the image object
string Date::getPicture() const
return getPic().getPicture();
}// End of function

// Function to return image object
Image Date::getPic() const
return pic;
}// End of function

// Function to return month
int Date::getMonth() const
return month;
}// End of function

// Function to return year
int Date::getYear() const
return year;
}// End of function

// Function to set picture
void Date::setPic(string newPic)
}// End of function

// Function to overload assignment = operator
Date& Date::operator = (const Date &otherDate)
// Assigns parameter data member to implicit object data member
year = otherDate.year;
month = otherDate.month;
day =;
// Returns implicit object
return *this;
}// End of function

// Function to return date information
string Date::toString()
string result = "Date: ";
stringstream stringData;
// Converts integer day to string
stringData << day;
// Concatenates day
result += stringData.str() + "/";
// Converts integer month to string
stringData << month;
// Concatenates day
result += stringData.str() + "/";
// Converts integer year to string
stringData << year;
// Concatenates day
result += stringData.str();
// Concatenates picture
result += " " + getPic().getPicture();

// Returns the concatenated data
return result;
}// End of function


// File Name: DateImageMain.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "Date.cpp"

// main function definition
int main()
// Creates objects using parameterized constructor
Date first(1,2,2019,"Rose");
Date second(1,3,2019,"Lily");
// Creates object using copy constructor
Date third(first);

// Displays date using toString()
cout<<"First Date : "<<first.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Second Date: "<<second.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Third Date: "<<third.toString()<<endl;

// Using > operator overloading compares two objects
if (second > first)
cout<<"Second Date is more recent"<<endl;

// Calls the function to set the picture
cout<<"First Date now: "<<first.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Third Date now: "<<third.toString()<<endl;

// Calls the assignment operator overloading
Date fourth= second;

cout<<"Fourth Date: "<<fourth.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Second Date now: "<<second.toString()<<endl;
cout<<"Fourth Date now: "<<fourth.toString()<<endl;
return 0;
}// End of main function

Sample output:

First Date : Date: 1/12/122019 Rose
Second Date: Date: 1/13/132019 Lily
Third Date: Date: 1/12/122019 Rose
Second Date is more recent
First Date now: Date: 1/12/122019 Change
Third Date now: Date: 1/12/122019 Rose
Fourth Date: Date: 1/13/132019 Lily
Second Date now: Date: 1/13/132019 Hibiscus
Fourth Date now: Date: 1/13/132019 Lily

string toString();
};// End of class
#endif // End of DATE_H


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