In: Psychology
The primary difference between common sense understandings and
social psychological theories is the method used to arrive at
conclusions. Common sense understandings are usually passed down
through word of mouth while social psychological theories are
formulated after sufficient scientific analysis. For example,
Solomon Asch conducted a series of studies to investigate the
extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect
a person to conform. He formulated his theory on conformity only
after thorough research.
Another difference between the two concepts is that common sense
understanding is deeply rooted in what aligns with the interests
and expectations of other group members. On the other hand, social
psychological theories are free from this bias as it is only led by
empirical observation and data. Got example, it was considered
"common sense" that a woman was only fit for domestic and household
An immediate danger that stems from common sense understanding is
that it can offer conflicting explanations about the same phenomena
phenomena and there maybe no established method to test it. For
example, the beliefs that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"
and "out of sight, out of mind" are contradictory in