In: Computer Science
Provide a specific example of how each layer of the OSI model processes the movement of data in communicating from one entity to another. For example, discuss how email is processed for each layer of the model.
When the tip system receives the unstructured bitstream from the
physical wire, every layer removes the header info applicable
thereto till the applying receives the info. The subsequent depicts
what happens within the OSI model's layers once an email is shipped
from Device A to Device B:
1. An application, such as an email program, creates data which
will be sent by an end-user, like an email message. the applying
layer places a header field that contains info like screen size and
fonts, and passes the info to the Presentation layer.
2. The Presentation layer places header information. for instance,
the text within the message could be born-again to code. The
Presentation layer can then pass the new knowledge to the Session
3. The Session layer follows a similar method by adding header
information, like info that the Session layer can manage the info
flow, and passes this knowledge to the Transport layer.
4. The Transport layer places information, like Associate in
Nursing acknowledgment that the phase was received within the
header, and passes it to the Network layer.
5. The Network layer places layer three header info, like the
supply and destination address.
6. The data the info Link layer places header and trailer
information, like a Frame Check Sequence (FCS) to confirm that the
data isn't corrupt, and passes this new knowledge to the physical
layer transmit the data through the media
7. The bitstream is then transmitted as ones and zeros on the
Physical layer. it's at now that the Physical layer ensures bit
synchronization. Bit synchronization can make sure the end-user
knowledge is assembled within the correct order it absolutely was
Some of
Protocols area unit:
1) FTP (File transfer protocol) -Use for transferring and receiving
2) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) - This Protocol used
for the devices that area unit connected to a hub or it's wont to
manage a network
3) TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) - It is additionally used
for transferring a file however it transfer the file
4) Telnet - It is employed to attach with remote devices (For
remote access)
5) DNS - (Domain name system) - This is employed to convert name
into IP address and IP address to name.
Application Layer having 2 protocol name SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and “POP3” (Post workplace Protocol v.3); This 2 protocols area unit used for causing and receiving emails severally, all of this happens in but a second.
Thank U: