
In: Computer Science

need this in C++ Start Declarations number currentTuition number futureTuition number interestRate number numYears number year...

need this in C++



number currentTuition

number futureTuition

number interestRate

number numYears

number year

output "Please enter current tuition: "

input currentTuition

output "Please enter interest rate (e.g. 9.0 for 9 percent): "

input interestRate

output "Please number of years for tuition: "

input numYears

output “Tuition at year 1 is “, currentTuition

futureTuition = currentTuition

for year = 2 to numYears

futureTuition = futureTuition * (1 + interestRate/100)

output “Tuition at year “, year ,”is “, futureTuition




Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int currentTuition;

int futureTuition;

int interestRate;

int numYears;

int year;

cout<<"Please enter current tuition: ";


cout<<"Please enter interest rate (e.g. 9.0 for 9 percent): ";


cout<< "Please number of years for tuition: ";


cout<<"Tuition at year 1 is :"<<currentTuition<<endl;

futureTuition = currentTuition;

for (int year = 2 ;year< numYears;year++){

  futureTuition = futureTuition * (1 + interestRate/100.0);

  cout<< "Tuition at year "<< year<<" is "<<futureTuition<<endl;



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