In: Math
Can you find and attach here an example of a statistically incorrect graph which has really been used/published somewhere? Explain why it is considered statistically incorrect.
Answer :
The below graph is given for Terry Schiavo was removed from life support after a years-long court battle. CNN used a graph similar to the one below to show who agreed with the decision to remove the feeding tube. It is published by media.
A fist look at this graph makes it look like three times as many democrats supported the decision. But on closer inspection, note the scale on the vertical axis. Only slightly more democrats supported than republicans (62% vs. 54%).
What is the problem with these particular misleading graphs from real life? In general, graphs should show a baseline. A baseline is zero on the vertical scale. Graphs that have a missing baseline and start at some arbitrary number (50 in this graph) tend to be very misleading. When you look at a graph and try to figure out if it’s a true representation of what’s really going on, check that baseline.
Hence this graph is statistically incorrect.