In: Nursing
A 24- year old female was admitted to the hospital complaining of having a repeated episode of severe abdominal pain with bloody diarrhea up to 20 times/day for the past 2 days.
NOTE: (Please provide answers based on while diagnosis the patient-facing Chronic Stress)
Diagnosis could be ulcerative colitis which is an inflammatory bowel disease that cause irritation ,inflammation and ulcer in the colon which leads to severe bloody diarrhea and abdoninal pain.Chronic stress can cause incease in inflammation and patient may have flare-up of ulcerative colitis symptoms
The investigations that is usually done is stool samples, routine blood check include;complete blood test,liver function test,CRP.The imaging is done in this case is abdominal radiograph,colonoscopy,CT imaging.
In acute cases treatment include ;Maintain NPO status and administer fluid and electrolytes
Restrict client activity to reduce intestinal activity.
Instruct the client to consume low fiber,hgh protein diet with vitamins and iron supplements
Administer mediications which may include a combination of medications such as-
salicyclate compounds,corticosteriods,immunosuppressants ,NSAIDS, and opioid drugs
Ulcerative colitis is not preventavble but flare up's can be reduced by reducing stress ,small and frequent meals,avoiding too much fibre food,regular exercise and periodic medical check up.