In: Computer Science
Thoroughly discuss and answer the following question. Do some research and find out whether Babbage’s Analytical Engine is a computer according to the von Neumann model. Post a complete answer to the best of your abilities and research and understanding. Reference your sources other than textbook.
Von Neumann based computer uses one single memory for storing
data as well as instructions and it also executes programs
following the fetch-decode-execute cycle
It contains a processing unit that contains an ALU and processor
registers and a control unit that contains an instruction and the
obvious input and output mechanisms
Hers the structure of the analytical Engine by Charles Babbage
it had an arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form of
conditional branching and loops, and memory for storing data and
instructions,the logical structure used in analytical engine is
same as what we use now
inputs were given as punched cards outputwas given ina printer,bell
and curve plotter ,it had a arithmetic unit called mill,a storage
which could contain 1000 numbers ,Centralprocessing units as
So according to ven Newmann model Charles babbages analytical engine is a computer ,it could perform multiplication,division, addition and subtraction though processing time was more but it was computing so it can be considered as a computer