
In: Computer Science

ANSWER IN JAVA Write a simple polling program that allows users to rate five topics from...


Write a simple polling program that allows users to rate five topics from 1 (least important) to 10 (most important). Pick five topics that are important to you (e.g., political issues, global environmental issues, food, video games). Use a one-dimensional array topics (of type String) to store the five issues. To summarize the survey responses, use a 5-row, 10-column two-dimensional array responses (of type int), each row corresponding to an element in the topics array. When the program runs, it should ask the user to rate each issue. Multiple people should be able to respond to the survey during a single run of the program. Once all responses have been logged, have the program display a summary of the results, including:

  1. A tabular report with the five topics down the left side and the 10 ratings across the top, listing in each column the number of ratings received for each topic.

  2. To the right of each row, show the average of the ratings for that issue.

  3. Which issue received the highest point total? Display both the issue and the point total.

  4. Which issue received the lowest point total? Display both the issue and the point to

I've gotten stuck and don't know how to progress forward. if someone could go into detail on how to finish it or make comments as you're editing that would be great. thanks

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Polling_2 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
       String[] topics = {"Cars", "Politics", "Money", "Social", "Food"};
       int [][] myArray = new int [5][11];
       int i;
       int j;
       int peoples;
       int responses;
       for (i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++ ) {
           for (j = 0; j < myArray[i].length; j++) {
               myArray[i][j] = scnr.nextInt();
       System.out.print("Enter the amount of people rating: ");
           peoples = scnr.nextInt();
           while ( i < peoples) {
               for int j = 0; j < 5; j++ {
                   System.out.print( myArray[i][j] + " " );
               int x = scnr.nextInt();
           int   responses[j][x] = int responses [j][x] + 1 ;



Expert Solution

// Java program that allows users to rate five topics from 1 (least important) to 10 (most important).

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Polling_2 {

       public static void main(String[] args) {

             Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

             // topics array

             String[] topics = {"Cars", "Politics", "Money", "Social", "Food"};

             // ratings array

             int [][] ratings = new int [topics.length][];


             int i;

             int j;

             int people;

             int rating;


             // initialize the ratings array initially with all 0

             for( i=0;i<ratings.length;i++)


                    ratings[i] = new int[10];

                    for( j=0;j<ratings[i].length;j++)

                           ratings[i][j] = 0;



             // input of number of people rating

             System.out.print("Enter the number of people rating: ");

             people = scnr.nextInt();


             // loop to allow user to rate each topic

             for( i=0;i<people;i++)


                    System.out.println("Rate each topic in the scale 1-10 for the below "+topics.length+" topics : ");



                           System.out.print("Enter your rating for "+topics[j]+" : ");

                           rating = scnr.nextInt();

                           // validate rating and re-prompt if invalid

                           while(rating < 1 || rating > 10)


                                 System.out.println("Rating should be between [1,10]");

                                 System.out.print("Enter your rating for "+topics[j]+" : ");

                                 rating = scnr.nextInt();



                           ratings[j][rating-1]++; // increment the corresponding rating entry




             // create array for storing average rating, taking integer average

             int avgRating[] = new int[topics.length];

             String highestPointIssue="" , lowestPointIssue="" ;

             int highestPointTotal = 0 , lowestPointTotal= 0;


             // loop to calculate the average rating, lowest point total and highets point total



                    avgRating[i] = 0;


                           avgRating[i] += (ratings[i][j]*(j+1));


                    if(i == 0) // for first entry initialize the variables


                           highestPointTotal = avgRating[i];

                           lowestPointTotal= avgRating[i];

                           highestPointIssue = topics[i];

                           lowestPointIssue = topics[i];



                           if(avgRating[i] > highestPointTotal)


                                 highestPointIssue = topics[i];

                                 highestPointTotal = avgRating[i];



                           if(avgRating[i] < lowestPointTotal)


                                 lowestPointIssue = topics[i];

                                 lowestPointTotal= avgRating[i];




                    avgRating[i] = avgRating[i]/people;



             // output the topics and its count of ratings and average rating in tabular format




             System.out.printf("%20s","Average Rating");










             // output the topics with highest and lowest point total

             System.out.println("\nHighest Point total : "+highestPointTotal+" Issue : "+highestPointIssue);

             System.out.println("Lowest Point total : "+lowestPointTotal+" Issue : "+lowestPointIssue);






//end of program


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