Describe the principles and operations of proximity sensors:
Inductive, Capacitive, and Photoelectric. State the advantage and...
Describe the principles and operations of proximity sensors:
Inductive, Capacitive, and Photoelectric. State the advantage and
disadvantage of each type of proximity sensors.
Describe the principles and operations of movement sensors:
Doppler-Effect Velocity sensor and Spring-Mass Accelerometor; State
the advantage and disadvantage of each type of movement
Describe the principles and operations of a Solenoid and a
Relay; State the difference between a solenoid and a relay; State
the advantage and disadvantage of a solenoid and a relay.
Describe the principles and operations of four types of
concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies using a systems
diagram and discuss any potential environmental implications of
concentrating solar power systems. Please include appropriate
references to support your argument?
"Thoroughly identify and describe the current state of
the healthcare industry utilizing economic principles. Include an
overview of the economics of health care and Medicare. List the
pros and cons related to the health insurance industry, along with
an explanation of health insurance. You are asked to develop your
own thorough solution to this social issue. You must answer in
terms of what you think is the socially optimal solution versus the
economic least cost solution, you must understand and...
Describe the principles and operations of distance sensor:
potentiometer, linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), and
optical encoder, state the advantage and disadvantage of each type
of distance sensors.