
In: Computer Science

<html> <head>     <title>Nick D'Angelo</title> </head> <body>     <h1>This is a header</h1>     <h2>This is a subheader</h2>  &nbs



    <title>Nick D'Angelo</title>



    <h1>This is a header</h1>

    <h2>This is a subheader</h2>

    <p>The quick <b>brown</b> fox jumped <i>over</i> the lazy dog.</p>

    <!--additional paragraph-->

    <!--here two words are bold and two are italicized-->

    <p>Pack my <b>box</b> with <i>five</i> dozen <b>liquor</b> <i>jugs</i>. Go to <a href='' target="_blank">site</a></p>

    <a href="">Nick's Homepage</a>

    <a href="" target="_blank">Nick's Homepage</a>



Add an Ordered, Unordered, Definition and Nested list to your html file (one for each). Each should be at least 10 lines or more.

Make one list item in each list a hyperlink. Make one bold, and make one italic. Also make a word in each list underlined.


Expert Solution

Note: Make one list item in each list a hyperlink. Make one bold, and make one italic. Also make a word in each list underlined. You have to style the in each list item not outside


<html> <!-- Start of html tag -->

<head> <!-- Start of head tag -->

<title>Nick D'Angelo</title>


<body> <!-- Start of body tag -->

<h1>This is a header</h1>

<h2>This is a subheader</h2>

<p>The quick <b>brown</b> fox jumped <i>over</i> the lazy dog.</p>

<!--additional paragraph-->

<!--here two words are bold and two are italicized-->

<p>Pack my <b>box</b> with <i>five</i> dozen <b>liquor</b> <i>jugs</i>. Go to <a href='' target="_blank">site</a></p>

<a href="">Nick's Homepage</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">Nick's Homepage</a>

<!--Updated section -->
<!-- a order list with mentioned styles : hyperlink, bold, italic, underlined -->
<li><a href="#">Order 1</a></li>
<li><b> Order 2</b></li>
<li><i> Order 3</i></li>
<li><u> Order 4</u></li>
<li>Order 5</li>
<li>Order 6</li>
<li>Order 7</li>
<li>Order 8</li>
<li>Order 9</li>
<li>Order 10</li>

<!-- a unorder list with mentioned styles : hyperlink, bold, italic, underlined -->
<li><a href="#">Unorder 1</a> </li>
<li><b>Unorder 2</b></li>
<li><i>Unorder 3</i></li>
<li><u>Unorder 4</u></li>
<li>Unorder 5</li>
<li>Unorder 6</li>
<li>Unorder 7</li>
<li>Unorder 8</li>
<li>Unorder 9</li>
<li>Unorder 10</li>

<!-- a Defination list with mentioned styles : hyperlink, bold, italic, underlined -->
<dt><a href="#">Defination a</a></dt>
<dd>Defination 1</dd>
<dd>Defination 2</dd>
<dd>Defination 3</dd>
<dt><b>Defination b</b></dt>
<dd>Defination 4</dd>
<dd>Defination 5</dd>
<dd>Defination 6</dd>
<dt><i>Defination c</i></dt>
<dd>Defination 7</dd>
<dd>Defination 8</dd>
<dd>Defination 9</dd>
<u>Defination d</u>
<dd>Defination 10</dd>

<!-- a nested list with mentioned styles : hyperlink, bold, italic, underlined -->
<li><a href="#"> Nested a</a><ul>
<li>Nested 1</li>
<li>Nested 2</li>
<li>Nested 3</li>
<li><b>Nested b</b><ul>
<li>Nested 1</li>
<li>Nested 2</li>
<li>Nested 3</li>
<li><i>Nested c</i><ul>
<li>Nested 1</li>
<li>Nested 2</li>
<li>Nested 3</li>
<li><u>Nested d</u>
<li>Nested 1</li>
</body> <!-- End of body tag-->

</html> <!-- End of html tag-->

Code output

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