
In: Computer Science

You are required to write an interactive program that prompts the user for ten (10) real...

You are required to write an interactive program that prompts the user for ten (10) real numbers and performs the following tasks:

  1. Reads and stores the numbers into one-dimensional array called A. The program must use a function to perform this task.
  2. Prints the content of the array. Write a function to perform this task.
  3. Calculates the sum of the numbers. Use a function to perform this task.
  4. Find the average of the numbers. Utilize a function to perform this task.
  5. Prints the sum and the average. Write a function that receives these values and print them.

Program requirements:

-     The program must utilize a class, an object and all the necessary functions to perform the above tasks.

-     The program must be fully documented.

-    You must submit a hard copy of the source and a properly labeled output.

-     You should submit a digital copy of source code.

-     Test your program for different values using real numbers.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Array{
int *A; // pointer type array aka dynamic array
int size; // size of array
Array(){ //default constructor sets size to 10
A= new int[size]; // allocate memory of 10 blocks for array A
Array(int siz){ // if user gives size
size=siz; // set size
A= new int[size]; // allocate memory of size entered
// mutators of array and size
void setArray(int *arra){
void setSize(int siz){
// accessors of array and size
int *getArray(){
return A;
int getSize(){
return size;
void readData(){ // input array data
cout<<"Enter values for your array: ";
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ // loops iterate till size
cin>>A[i]; // read and store into array
void print(){ // printing data
cout<<"::::::: ARRAY DATA ::::::::"<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
cout<<A[i]<<" ";
int calculateSum(){
int sum=0; // intialize to 0
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
sum=A[i]+sum; // update sum
return sum;
int calculateAverage(int sum){ // sum will be passed
return sum/size; //average of array data
void printSumAndAverage(int sum, int average){ // we will be passing sum and average
//print them
cout<<"SUM: "<<sum<<endl;
cout<<"AVERAGE: "<<average<<endl;

int main()
Array a; // by default size of 10 as told
a.readData();// read and store data
a.print(); // print them
// sum and average will be calculated before printSumAndAverage program will run
return 0;



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