
In: Nursing

What are both strengths and weaknesses of a single payer vs. a multiple payer health care...

What are both strengths and weaknesses of a single payer vs. a multiple payer health care system in general? Name at LEAST two strengths and weaknesses of each system and discuss.


Expert Solution

strentgth and weaknesses of signle payer health care sytem and multiple payer health care system

In single payer systen, health care cost is paid by public system,Government alone .In contrast , multiple payer system has more than one entity , where fund is pooled and allocated.

Single payer health system.

Strength weakness
All citizens covered . universal coverage Rely only on taxation.
Predict better health populatin. Beacuse health is a fundamental right of every citizens. State is responsible for providing better services and maintaining provisions for that. need to wait for a long time. Some times cost may not be paid for all kinds of ailments. quality of health care is questionable.

Mulptiple payer system

strength weakness
Pool fund from different sources . So they can provide concessions, or free allowances for vulnerable groups. Guarented quality health care . It depends on amount of payement done by a person. Person who is paying large amount will be paid better and cover all kinds of cost. Equity is not maintaining.
Less time limit for payement No universal coverage.

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