
In: Computer Science

Question: Use Eclipse to create a clockType with hr, min, sec as private members. You shall...


Use Eclipse to create a clockType with hr, min, sec as private members.

You shall have 3 files: clock.h clock.cpp and lab1main.cpp

lab1main.cpp shall support the following statements:

clockType c1(15, 45, 30), c2(3, 20); // hour, min, sec

cout << c1; // add whatever to beautify it

cout << c2;

cout << c1+c2;

c2 = c1+c1;
cout << c2;

Need help please!


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

class clockType{
       int hour, min, sec;
       clockType(int ,int ,int );
       clockType operator+(const clockType &clock);
       friend ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const clockType &clock);
friend istream & operator >> (istream &in, clockType &clock);



clockType::clockType(int h=0,int m=0,int s=0){
   hour = h;
   min = m;
clockType clockType::operator+(const clockType &clock){
   clockType c;
   int s = this->sec+clock.sec;
   int m = this->min+clock.min+s/60;
   int hr = this->hour+clock.hour+m/60;
   c.hour = hr%24;
   c.min = m%60;
   c.sec = s%60;
   return c;
ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const clockType &clock){
   return out;
istream & operator >> (istream &in, clockType &clock){
   cout<<"Enter hour : ";
   cout<<"Enter minute : ";
   cout<<"Enter second : ";
   return in;



int main(){
   clockType c1(15, 45, 30), c2(3, 20);
   cout << c1;
   cout << c2;
   cout << c1+c2;
   c2 = c1+c1;
   cout << c2;
   return 0;

//sample output

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