
In: Accounting

In this assessment, you will work individually to write an essay focusing on a specific trend in the changing nature of the workplace and the relevant ethical considerations and legal/regulatory frameworks.

In this assessment, you will work individually to write an essay focusing on a specific trend in the changing nature of the workplace and the relevant ethical considerations and legal/regulatory frameworks. Content and Structure: Students will be expected to respond to the question below for this essay:

Question – Identify and describe one key change in the current workplace environment. With the help of examples show the influence of this change on Human Resource Practices (HRM) and the relevant ethical and/or legal (regulatory) frameworks that are applicable to the change you have identified.

The essay should have the following key parts

1. Cover page 2. Table of contents 3. Introduction 4. Body 5. Conclusion 6. References 7. Appendices (if any)

Within the introduction, body and conclusion sections, sub-headings can be included as you deem fit. Also, a relevant title has to be provided for the body section and the sub-headings included in the body.


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Key change in the current workplace environment - Communication and information technology breakthrough









Technological change influences more than efficiency, business, and pay disparity. It additionally makes open doors for changes in the idea of work itself. Various ethnographic examinations have demonstrated how an assortment of new advancements have adjusted the manner in which work is played out, the jobs that laborers play in an association's division of work, and the manner in which these changing jobs modify the structure of organizations.1 In this task, the investigation of innovation and society proceeds, with an attention on:

(1) Changing forms of work, including occupations and contingent jobs

(2) Dynamism and flexibility in the workforce

(3) Demographics and job satisfaction

(4) Changes in the role of work in people’s lives

As the idea of the workplace keeps on changing, new patterns have developed at the individual, group, and hierarchical levels. The workforce is currently more demographically differing than any time in recent memory, and more established specialists speak to a huge subset of the working populace. Expanded innovation and the developing intricacy of undertakings have offered ascend to more virtual and interdisciplinary teams. Furthermore, enthusiasm for global associations has developed the same number of organizations try to build their abroad assignments. If society is responsive to these progressions and furthermore ready to adjust rapidly to new innovation, it can prompt advantages for the two workers and associations. Notwithstanding, history proposes that these patterns can prompt obstacles and unforeseen adverse results, for example, diminished employment fulfillment, helpless work/life equalization, and disregard of individual and long haul profession advancement. A short synopsis of the most conspicuous patterns inside the present workforce is talked about beneath.

The Changing Workplace

The changing work environment is driven by the hierarchical issues depicted and empowered by advances that help portability and simple admittance to data. These weights and openings, nonetheless, have not brought about a particular new work environment model. Numerous models and thoughts exist simultaneously, with plans relying on the association, its work practices, culture, and clients.

(1) Changing forms of work, including occupations and contingent jobs

Contingent work is an overall term alluding to nonstandard work game plans, including brief or provisional labor. Albeit unforeseen work isn't new (firms, for example, Kelly Services and Manpower, for instance, have been in the matter of giving transitory administrative and modern laborers for a long time), it has developed and pulled in restored consideration as of late with the on the web, open-call work stages portrayed previously.

Unexpected work connections arrive in an assortment of structures, including different kinds of business connections and different sorts of laborer benefits. Grant is at a beginning phase with regards to examining the extent of unforeseen work and the ramifications of each kind for business structures, work relations, and the government assistance of laborers. Its utilization based stages to get to unforeseen work adds another measurement to this class of business.

For example, there stays a lively business in giving impermanent specialists who fill in for wiped out or traveling all day laborers or who are doled out to occupations for brief timeframes to increase an association's full-time work power when the firm gets itself understaffed yet unfit to recruit full-time representatives. This differences with the profoundly gifted temporary workers and specialists concentrated by Barley and Kunda and by Osnowitz, who work for longer times of more than 6 to year and a half on ventures inside a firm, frequently.

(2) Dynamism and flexibility in the workforce

A sign of the U.S. economy has for quite some time been its high business dynamism (its pace of business arrangement, extension, compression, and exit) and work market smoothness (its pace of the progressions of laborers among occupations and firms). Dynamism and ease are characteristically connected in light of the fact that a great part of the progression of laborers across occupations comes from business development, withdrawal, passage, and exit. In any case, "stirring" of laborers (smoothness in overabundance of that because of business dynamism) has expanded as laborers (particularly youthful specialists) participate in work bouncing (incessant changes between occupations) to build up their professions and locate the best counterpart for their aptitudes and interests.

Truly, the United States has displayed solid pointers of dynamism, for example, a high pace of work and laborer reallocation, work jumping, and geographic versatility. This dynamism has empowered the United States to reallocate assets from less profitable to more gainful organizations with less time and asset costs than different nations (e.g., without high rates or long spans of joblessness). Over the most recent quite a few years—and particularly since 2000—there has been a decrease in a few pointers of business dynamism and work market smoothness.

(3) Demographics and job satisfaction

While considering the part of data innovations in the changing idea of work, it is critical to remember simultaneous social changes. The socioeconomics of the U.S. populace are going through a significant move: it has been extended that there will be no ethnic or racial lion's share in the United States by 2050. The socioeconomics of the present workers are additionally evolving. Ladies make up almost 50% of the work power today and, as of June 2012, 36 percent of workers were not Caucasian. The millennial generation, which recently surpassed the baby boomers as the largest generation,40 is also the most racially and ethnically diverse. As more millennials enter the workforce and older individuals retire, the racial and ethnic diversity of the workforce is expected to continue to increase.41,42

Even as the diversity of the workforce is increasing, significant inequalities exist. Social, economic, racial, and political backgrounds are highly correlated with academic achievement, economic opportunity, income, and social mobility.

(4) Changes in the role of work in people’s lives

Work involves a lot of individuals' time and consideration and has assumed a focal part in forming a feeling of worth and personality. All the more critically, with regards to this report, mechanical advancements have in any event in a roundabout way molded how individuals experience the work environment in their lives. For instance, before the improvement of the clock and inevitably electrical lighting, work time and individual time were generally synchronized to every day and occasional cycles. Following the spread of these advancements, work hours turned out to be halfway decoupled from nature's cycles. Spells of work became progressively longer until, following quite a while of association unsettling, Congress in the end passed the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which restricted the standard work week to a limit of 40 hours and ordered premium compensation for extra hours. The 8-hour day, combined with the daily schedule and tedious nature of numerous positions, (for example, composing, information passage, and working machine devices on sequential construction systems), added to the division of work and relaxation common of numerous laborers of the 1940s through the 1970s. In the wake of working a 8-hour move, laborers came back to their homes depleted and exhausted, however the night times were theirs to utilize as they wished, and weekends became times for leisure and for dreaming of vacations and retirement.




Expanded utilization of groups and cross unit work; more weight for correspondence and data stream

· More meeting space

· Greater variety of meeting spaces (open & enclosed, large & small)

· Smaller individual workspaces

· More open individual workspaces

· Unassigned workspaces

· Greater interior visibility to support awareness

· Mobile supports (phones, laptops, PDAs, wireless)

· Personal video, instant messaging, desktop team software

· More use of project rooms

· Displayed information and work progress

· Small rooms for individual focus

· Lockers for personal belongings

· Expanded commotion

· Expanded interruptions and interferences

· Potential for "over conveying"

· Social hindrances to conduct change

· People working longer hours to make up for absence of time to do singular assignments

· Desires that laborers are consistently accessible

More noteworthy utilization of scattered work gatherings—regularly worldwide

  • Increased use of video conferencing, computer-based team tools
  • More reliance on conference calls
  • Greater need for mobile technological supports for meeting rooms
  • Use of facilities beyond normal working hours

· Development of the workday to oblige topographically scattered group gatherings

· Loss of chance to create trust through vis-à-vis communication

· More trouble overseeing and planning

· High reliance on mechanical unwavering quality

Ceaseless redesign and rebuilding

· Adaptable foundation to help quick reconfiguration

· Portable decorations

· Acoustical issues with loss of good walled in area

· Potential for decreased ergonomic viability

Diminished costs/more proficient space use

· Common or unassigned workspaces

· Brought together documenting framework

· Decreased workstation size and expanded generally speaking densities

· More prominent generally speaking spatial assortment to empower various types of work to be obliged at same time

· Expanded interruptions and interferences

· Expanded clamor

· May meet with representative obstruction

· More hard for paper concentrated work

Improved nature of work life and fascination of new laborers

· More fair admittance to sunlight, sees, and different comforts

· More evenhanded spatial portion and workspace highlights

· Enhancements for stress decrease and calm unwinding

· Opposition from the individuals who uphold various leveled space portion

· Opposition from the individuals who uphold various leveled space portion



Cisco arrived at the resolution that their working environment condition was at chances with the manner in which they worked. Individuals were only sometimes at their work areas. Meeting spaces were hard to come by. Correspondence was perpetually factor eye to eye, texting, work area video, telephone, email. Also, work hours moved significantly as the need to work around the world expanded. In light of these changes, Cisco made the "Associated Workplace." It is at present in the Proof of Concept stage with another showing office space on their grounds in San Jose.


  • Encourage collaboration
  • Reduce real estate costs
  • Reduce infrastructure costs


A flexible, collaborative workspace could improve productivity and increase employee satisfaction while reducing real estate space and costs by increasing user density


· Unassigned workspaces

· Expanded number and assortment of meeting spaces, from encased gathering rooms and casual zones with agreeable seats to a midway found bistro

· Little individual workstations

· Exceptionally versatile decorations and space dividers

· Storage spaces for individual things

· Expanded thickness; the space utilized for the POC would regularly hold 88 representatives contrasted with the 140 really appointed to the working environment

· High perceivability all through the space

· High sunshine and perspectives to the encompassing open air scene


Although project evaluation is still underway, preliminary results show:

  • Employees expressed generally high levels of satisfaction with the technologies, light, openness, and increased opportunity for collaboration
  • Those who typically spent the most time at their desks were more challenged by the mobility


A few significant subjects rose up out of the panel's survey of how innovation is changing the idea of work and associations.

· In the judgment of the board of trustees, unexpected work will extend because of the proceeded with use and improvement of PC based data innovations and plans of action dependent on electronic coordinating calculations.

· With the decrease of unionization, the commonness of unforeseen work, and a more versatile workforce, new foundations that additionally offer laborers a more prominent voice in their working environment and in the political field are getting progressively significant for specialist decency and balance.

· Since work has gotten progressively nontraditional (disconnected from single businesses through the span of a vocation), empowered to some degree by innovation, business foundations may need to change so as to furnish all specialists with admittance to medical services, annuity reserves, and different components of the social wellbeing net that have been verifiably attached to full-time customary business.

· In view of the expanding capacity to utilize IT to decrease the requirement for co-area, an augmenting geological division of work is probably going to proceed, and better approaches for arranging that block normal up close and personal connection will develop, at any rate for those errands wherein direct communication isn't fundamental.

Exploration on how work fits into and shapes the lives of people who are seeking after new types of business would help explain the scope of likely results and the strategy and different decisions that will make the best advantages for society.





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