
In: Computer Science

// import java.util.*; public class problem_a { public static void main(String[] args) { // test...


import java.util.*;

public class problem_a
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // test the smallest method
    System.out.print("smallest(1, 0, 2) -> ");
    System.out.println( smallest(1, 0, 2) );
    // test the average method
    System.out.print("average(95, 85, 90) -> ");
    System.out.println( average(95, 84, 90) );
  } // end main
   * smallest(double, double, double) -> double
   * method is given 3 numbers, produces the smallest of the three
   * examples:
   *     smallest(1, 0, 2) -> 0.0
  public static double smallest(double x, double y, double z)
    // declare your minimum
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
    // calculate minimum as smallest of x and y
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
    // re-calculate minimum as smallest of minimum and z
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
    //return your minimum
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
  } // end smallest
   * average(double, double, double) -> double
   * method is given 3 numbers, produces the smallest of the three

  public static double average(double x, double y, double z)
    // declare your result
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
    // calculate the average of x, y and z
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
    // return your result;
        ** ENTER CODE HERE**
  } // end average
} // end class problem_a


Expert Solution

Java code:-

import java.util.*;
public class problem_a
public static void main(String[] args)
    // test the smallest method
    System.out.print("smallest(1, 0, 2) -> ");
    System.out.println( smallest(1, 0, 2) );
    // test the average method
    System.out.print("average(95, 85, 90) -> ");
    System.out.println( average(95, 85, 90) );
} // end main

   * smallest(double, double, double) -> double
   * method is given 3 numbers, produces the smallest of the three
   * examples:
   *     smallest(1, 0, 2) -> 0.0
public static double smallest(double x, double y, double z)
    // declare your minimum
        double minimum=x;
    // calculate minimum as smallest of x and y
        if (minimum>y)
    // re-calculate minimum as smallest of minimum and z
         if (minimum>z)
    //return your minimum
       return minimum;
} // end smallest

   * average(double, double, double) -> double
   * method is given 3 numbers,calculate the average of x, y and z

public static double average(double x, double y, double z)
    // declare your result
         double result=0;
    // calculate the average of x, y and z
    // return your result;
        return result;
} // end average
} // end class problem_a

Screenshot of output:-

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