
In: Operations Management

ARTICLE 1: Police inspector advises stubborn teenager caught for repeatedly breaking MCO, challenges him to do...

Police inspector advises stubborn teenager caught for repeatedly breaking MCO, challenges him to do well in studies (VIDEO)

Tuesday, 07 Apr 2020 05:58 PM MYT BY ARIF ZIKRI LENGGONG, April 7— A teenager caught multiple times for violating the Movement Control Order (MCO) was schooled by a police inspector after the boy’s mother complained about his stubbornness. Lenggong police station head Inspector Mohd Ropiza Hassan took it upon himself to advise the young man. A video of the conversation between Mohd Ropiza and the 15-year-old boy was recorded and has been circulating on social media platforms since yesterday. In the one minute and 37 second video, Ropiza telling-off the youngster that it was not his first time he had been caught, and ‘offered’ the boy to stay in the lock-up if he required monitoring to comply with the law. Mohd Ropiza then advised the teenager to study hard during the MCO, so he could better himself and help his family, challenging the boy to further his studies into any university. “Study hard, you’re the eldest son in your family, haven’t you thought about that? With no father. The government has asked you to stay at home to read some books. “Study hard until you succeed so that you can help out your family not by doing as you please.” He told the boy to listen to the advice, saying he wanted to see the young man in another five years and to hear that he had succeeded in furthering his studies. “Meet me at Balai Lenggong and tell me when you’ve been accepted into an IPTA, I challenge you,” Ropiza said in the video. The video was recorded in front of the teen’s house and according to the Gerik State Chief of Police, Superintendent Ismail Che Isa, no arrest was made and the inspector was just advising the boy as requested by his mother. Inspector Mohd Ropiza Hassan took time to personally speak to the youngster. — Screenshot courtesy of Facebook/ Polis Diraja Malaysia.

ARTICLE 2: What MCO? 14 arrested by cops for gambling in What MCO? 14 arrested by cops for gambling in NegriNegri

NATION Wednesday, 08 Apr 2020 4:40 PM MYT By SARBAN SINGH NILAI: A total of 14 people, including juveniles, believed to be taking part in gambling activities, have been detained for defying the movement control order (MCO). OCPD Supt Mohamad Nor Marzukee Besar said the suspects, aged between 17 and 24, were arrested in front of a house in Taman Desa Pelangi in Mantin at about 1.30am on Wednesday (April 8). "A team was dispatched to the housing estate after we received a tip off from the public. "The suspects were caught gambling in front of the house," he said. Supt Mohamad Nor said all the suspects were arrested after they failed to provide a valid reason for being outside of their house during the MCO. He said police also seized two decks of cards, cash, a table and some chairs. The case will be investigated under Rule 7 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020. The offence carries a fine of up to RM1,000 or six months jail, or both. Supt Mohamad Nor said the suspects would also be investigated under Section 6(1) of the Common Gaming Houses Act for taking part in gambling. Offenders can be fined up to RM5,000 or six months jail, or both. Separately, Supt Mohamad Nor said police arrested three men, including a Bangladeshi, for defying the MCO.
A group of people violated the movement control order (MCO) when they were caught drinking outside a temple on Thursday (April 9).
Seberang Prai Utara OCPD Asst Comm Noorzainy Mohd Noor said those detained were enjoying their alcoholic beverages at the temple compound near Jalan Kampung Gajah, Butterworth.

"Despite knowing that the government has enforced the MCO, they chose to ignore the order and loitered outside instead of staying at home," he told reporters after the special operation.
Asst Comm Noorzainy said the group of seven, including two women, claimed that they were bored at home and since many shops were closed, they decided to have a chat while drinking outside the temple. Earlier at Bagan Lalang, four teenagers were drinking "air ketum" at a field near Taman Mesra and tried to run away when police approached them in the operation. The teenagers were apprehended by police who had them cornered. Asst Comm Noorzainy said in total, 27 people were arrested for violating the MCO in various parts of the district. He said the operation was conducted by a special task force from the district police headquarters. "Those arrested are aged from 16 to 60," he said. He said from the 27 that were arrested, 23 will be issued compound notices for violating the MCO. All of them were detained under Regulation 11 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Regulations 2020, Section 269 and Section 186 of the Penal Code. - Star
MCO: Group caught boozing at temple compound in Penang

For this assignment, you need to read the following news articles (attached seperately) and then complete the following tasks. Write you response for (a) and (b) in one continuos essay:

a) Relate the issues covered by the articles to the roles the mesosystem and the macrosystem in supporting individuals’socialisation process.

b) Apply the four parenting styles of to handle the issues highlighted by the news articles.


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This theory suggests that the inherent qualities and environment of children interact with each other to influence their growth and development. He divided the environment and called it as ecological systems and emphasized that the study of the ecological systems could help understand the characteristics of children. For example, a child in orphanage will have different characteristics than one born in a family. The ecological systems are microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The microsystem is the first and smallest segmant in which the child live. It comprises of home, school and peer group of child and involves personal relationships with them. The mesosystem is the second one and is the interaction of different microsystems such as relationships between home and school, parent and friends etc. The next one is the exosystem and is the interaction of one or more mesosystem in which they donot directly influence but have an indirect influence on the child. Example is the public where the child lives. The forth system is macrosystem and is the largest among all. They could be a set of places, people, idealogy which might not be close but distant. The last system is the chronosystem and as the name suggests it is the influence of time like change in address, occupation of parents, economy changes of nation etc.

ARTICLE 1:- The 15 year old boy was lacking a family and he have only a mother to parent him. The most protective shield of a child is his parents and family. Due to the absence of father he became stubborn and listen less to mother. As mentioned earlier, mesosystem is the interaction between different microsystem. For example if the parents invite friends of the child to home and arrange some party for interaction, thean it would develop a positive influence on the chiild. Similarly the mother alone might not be able to develop an intermicro system and the child grew with it, lacking the positivity. In the case of macrosystem, the place, people might have influence him so that he could be defendent towars the MCO and wandered out. The public might have shown him the less consciousness towards the MCO declaration.

ARTICLE 2:- The children of age group 17-24 are arrested for denieying lock down and playing with deck of cards and cash and unable to provide a valid reason. The mesosystem affected by them are the lack of commumication between the friends and parents. So that the parents were unaware of their peer groups and didnt get chance to say no for them. Along with that the teachers lacked communication with their parents about the immorality of their peer group. About the macrosystem, the lack of knowledge of the community influneced the children to wander and pla during the pandemic. If the society warned them not to wander, they might have obeyed.

ARTICLE 3;- The children got arrested for drinking liquor in the temple compound is a serious issue of religional and legal incomplaince. The mesosystem affected them might be due to the lack of communication among friends and parents. The parents may not have even met them and they might have encouraged them to drink liquor and other drugs. The peer group have a negative impact on the children. The macrosyste affected might be the place and people who gave less importance to the lock down and national legal system. The people of age group 16-60 arrested clearly shows the public irresponsibilty and lack of respect to the legislature. The children interacting with them will also develop an attititute likely by seeing them.


The four Baumrind parenting styles are authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved and authoritative.Each have distinctive characteristics and effects on children but it is not specified that which style would develop a better child. Each style provides and outcome along with the ecological system that the child lives. No single style is said to be universal but the most preffered is authoritative style of parenting.The characteristics are stated as follows

1) authoritarian parenting style:- strict disciple style with common punishment and less arguments and negotiation, high expectations. irresponsible, one way communication, rules are only explained reasons are not.

2)permissive parenting style:- not strict with less rules and limitations, nurturing,minimum expectations, two way communication, responsible, linient

3) uninvolved parenting style:- no strict rules, unresponsible, limited communication, no expectations, neglecting, no punishment

4)authoritative parenting style:- rules are made clear along with explained reasons, enough communication required as per age group, expectation is high, supportive, value freedom

ARTICLE 1:- The parenting style adopted by his mother was permissible that made the child egocentric, poor relationship valued, poor social responsibilty and stubborn. The parenting style required to handle him would be of authoritative rather than authoritarian because due to the lack of father it would be difficult to handle him especially at this age. Authoritative with slight support of peer group could help handle the situation.

ARTICLE 2:- The parenting style adopted by their parents might be either uninvolved or authoritarian thar resulted in poor social skill, mental illness, impulsive behaviour, less social and cooperate repsonsibility. The authoritative or permissible paranting style could be adopted to handle them so that it could bo not to linient nor too strict on them.

ARTICLE 3:- The parenting style used by them would be uninvolved resulting in drug abuse, less social skills, poor social responsibilty, poor morale. The parents should adopt the authoritarian or authoritative style to handle them and provide them the qualitiies of a responsible citizen.

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