
In: Nursing

Explain in detail about the mechanism of breathing.

Explain in detail about the mechanism of breathing.


Expert Solution

Mechanism of breathing: During inspiration (active process), the diaphragm (a flat smooth muscle present below the rib cage) contracts and thus, causing the chest cavity enlargement from above downwards. The contraction of intercostal muscles causes elevation of ribs and sternum.

During exhalation (passive process), the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax. The size of the chest cavity decreases and the pressure in the lungs increases which allows the air out. During forced exhalation, the contraction of abdominal muscles is also involved, and the process is active.

The quiet breathing uses intercostal muscles and diaphragm. Whereas the forced breathing uses intercostal muscles, diaphragm and accessory muscles (abdominal muscles)

According to Boyle's law, the relation between the volume and pressure is inversely proportional. If the pressure increases, volume decreases, and the volume increases if the pressure decreases. The same is happening in negative pressure breathing described above.

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