
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that will require users to enter an automobile VIN number and you...

Write a C++ program that will require users to enter an automobile VIN number and you will check certain aspects: The VIN number must be 17 characters exactly in length The VIN number may contain only letters and numbers The first character is the location of manufacture; we will check for this to be 1 to 5 (made in North America). The 10th character indicates the manufacture year. We will check for this being a letter between A and I (years 2010 to 2018)

Deliverables: Word document with copy of code and screenprints of all test runs.

writing a program that will require users to enter the VIN number of their car. You want to write a function named chkVIN() that will check for a certain things (see below).

The chkVIN() function will test if the VIN number meets the rules shown above. The function will be passed a character array (not a string variable) containing the VIN number. It is required that the function use a pointer in processing the array. Here is the prototype for the function:

            bool chkVIN(char vin[]);   

The function is passed a char array; it returns true if the VIN passes all tests and false if any tests fail. It returns immediately after reporting a problem.

In the main function, use the following code to declare a VIN number variable:

const int SIZE = 30;

char VIN[SIZE];

We are using an array of larger than 17 because the user might enter more characters.

Our main program will have a loop that will enter VIN numbers and check them by passing the array to chkVIN(). chkVIN() returns fail if the VIN fails any tests and returns true if the VIN passed all tests. The problems will be displayed by chkVIN(). The main function just reports if the VIN passed or failed and asks if the user wants to enter more VIN numbers.

Test your code with these values:


Expected Result


Valid VIN number


Error: VIN must have 17 characters


Error: VIN must have 17 characters


Error: VIN can only contain letters and digits


Error: Not manufactured in North America


Error: Not manufactured in 2010 or later

Step 2: Processing Logic

You may use this pseudocode for the program or code it differently as long as you meet the requirements listed above (using the function, passing a char array, function uses a pointer)..

Place Program Documentation Header here.

Declare two int constants SIZE and NUMCHARS (SIZE is 30; NUMCHARS is 17)

bool chkVIN(char vin[])     //function prototype

Main Function

   Declare character array: char vin[SIZE]

   Declare string variable, answer, and assign “yes” for loop control

Display "Verify VIN Number Program"

Display "- The VIN number should be exactly 17 characters long"

Display "- The VIN number should only contain letters and numerals”

Display "- The VIN number should indicate the car is manufactured in North America.”

Display "- The VIN number should be for a car manufactured in 2010 or later.”

While answer equals “yes”    //start of while loop

        Display “Enter your VIN number: “

        Input into char array using the cin.getline function //important to use cin.getline(arrayName, SIZE)

        if chkVIN(vin) equals true then

               Display “The VIN number is valid and acceptable”


               Display “The VIN number was invalid or unacceptable”

        end if


        Display “Do you want to enter another VIN number? (yes or no): “

        input answer

   End While Loop

END main function

//Start chkVIN function

bool chkVIN(char VIN[])

//check for 17 characters

if strlen(VIN) not equal to NUMCHARS then

       Display “VIN number must have “ + NUMCHARS + “ characters”

       return false

End if

//check that all characters are digits or letters

//NOTE: to check for letters or digits, we use the isalpha(char) and isdigit(char) functions

//These return true if the character is a letter or digit, respectively.

//They return something else if not a letter or digit – not necessarily false.

//Pass a pointer to the array – the array name – plus the for loop iterator variable

For Loop 0 to NUMCHARS

      if current character is a letter, continue loop

      else if current character is a digit, continue loop


              Display “VIN number can only contain letters and digits”

              return false

      End If

End for Loop

//check that the first character in the array is in the range 1 to 5

//remember these are characters – not numbers – so you need single quote marks

if first character is less than ‘1’ or the first character is greater than ‘5’ then

       Display “VIN number should indicate a car manufactured in North America but did not”

       return false

End If

//check that the 10th character is between A and I; allow for small and capital letters

//suggestion: use the toupper(char) function and then compare to ‘A’ and ‘I’

//Must use array name and offset to pass to toupper()

if 10th character is less than ‘A’ or 10th character greater than ‘I’ then

     Display “VIN number should indicate a car manufactured in 2010 or later, but did not”

     return false

End If

//if we got here, we passed all the error checks

return true

End chkVIN function


Expert Solution

C++ code(according to the pseudo code provided):


using namespace std;

bool chkVIN(char []);
#define SIZE 30
#define NUMCHARS 17

int main()
   char vin[SIZE];
   string d = "yes";
   cout<<"Verify VIN Number Program\n";
   cout<<"The VIN number should be exactly 17 characters long\n";  
   cout<<"The VIN number should only contain letters and numerals\n";  
   cout<<"The VIN number should indicate the car is manufactured in North America.\n";  
   cout<<"The VIN number should be for a car manufactured in 2010 or later.\n";
cout<< "Enter your VIN number: ";

cin.getline(vin, SIZE);

cout<<"The VIN number is valid and acceptable\n";
           cout<<"The VIN number was invalid or unacceptable\n";

       cout<<"Do you want to enter another VIN number? (yes or no): ";
   return 0;

bool chkVIN(char vin[])
   char *p = vin; //pointer to array
       cout<<"VIN number must have "<<NUMCHARS<<" characters.\n";
       return false;
   for(int i=0;i<NUMCHARS;i++,p++)
       else if(isdigit(*p))
           cout<<"VIN can only contain letters and digits.\n";
           return false;
   p = vin; //again pointer initialises to starting position
   if(*p<'1' || *p>'5')
       cout<<"VIN number should indicate a car manufactured in North America but did not.\n";
       return false;
   if(toupper(*(p+9))<'A' || toupper(*(p+9))>'I')
       cout<<"VIN number should indicate a car manufactured in 2010 or later, but did not.\n";
       return false;
   return true;


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