In: Accounting
Question 1
a) Briefly discuss the reporting requirements of IPSAS
24: Presentation of Budget
Information, and justify the relevance of this standard in
governmental budgeting and
b) The concept of Value for Money (VFM) in the public sector has
been associated with the
5Es. The relevant elements of the VFM can be applied as an
assessment tool for almost all
government programmes/projects. Using relevant public sector
examples, you are required
i) Demonstrate how the concept of VFM is applied in the
distribution of the District
Assembly Common Fund (DACF)
ii) Demonstrate how the concept of VFM can be used to attain the
objective(s) of
public procurement
To ensure that public sector entities discharge their
accountability obligations and enhance the transparency of their
financial statements by demonstrating compliance with
the approved budget for which they are held publicly accountable
and, where the budget and the financial statements are prepared on
the same basis, their financial
performance in achieving the budgeted results.
• IPSAS 24 applies to public sector entities, other than GBEs, that
are required or elect to make publicly available their approved
• Original budget is the initial approved budget for the budget
• Approved budget means the expenditure authority derived from
laws, appropriation bills, government ordinances, and other
decisions related to the anticipated
revenue or receipts for the budgetary period.
• Final budget is the original budget adjusted for all reserves,
carry over amounts, transfers, allocations, supplemental
appropriations, and other authorized legislative, or
similar authority, changes applicable to the budget period.
• An entity shall present a comparison of budget and actual amounts
as additional budget columns in the primary financial statements
only where the financial
statements and the budget are prepared on a comparable basis.
• An entity shall present a comparison of the budget amounts either
as a separate additional financial statement or as additional
budget columns in the
financial statements currently presented in accordance with IPSAS.
The comparison of budget and actual amounts shall present
separately for each level of
legislative oversight:
– The original and final budget amounts
– The actual amounts on a comparable basis
– By way of note disclosure, an explanation of material differences
between the budget and actual amounts, unless such explanation is
included in other public
documents issued in conjunction with the financial statements and a
cross reference to those documents is made in the notes
• An entity shall present an explanation of whether changes between
the original and final budget are a consequence of reallocations
within the budget, or of
other factors:
– By way of note disclosure in the financial statements
– In a report issued before, at the same time as, or in conjunction
with the financial statements, and shall include a cross reference
to the report in the notes to the
financial statements
• All comparisons of budget and actual amounts shall be presented
on a comparable basis to the budget.
• An entity shall explain in notes to the financial statements the
budgetary basis and classification basis adopted in the approved
budget, the period of the approved
budget, and the entities included in the approved budget.
• An entity shall identify in notes to the financial statements the
entities included in the approved budget.
• The actual amounts presented on a comparable basis to the budget
shall, where the financial statements and the budget are not
prepared on a comparable basis, be
reconciled to the following actual amounts presented in the
financial statements, identifying separately any basis, timing, and
entity differences:
– If the accrual basis is adopted for the budget, total revenues,
total expenses and net cash flows from operating activities,
investing activities, and
financing activities
– If a basis other than the accrual basis is adopted for the
budget, net cash flows from operating activities, investing
activities, and financing activities
The reconciliation shall be disclosed on the face of the statement
of comparison of budget and actual amounts or in the notes to the
financial statements.
Imp Note (Dear Student, Part b answer will post soon. due to technical difficulty kept it incomplete. Sorry for the inconvinience)