
In: Operations Management

John Connor and his friends are planning a recreational outing and have constructed the following payoff...

  1. John Connor and his friends are planning a recreational outing and have constructed the following payoff table to help them decide which activity to engage in. Assume that the payoffs represent their level of death and dismemberment for each activity under the various possibilities for sentient cybernetic organisms they may encounter. They have no idea which of the terminators, the T-X, the T-1000, or the T-100, they might encounter on their outing.



Disable Skynet













  1. If the group is optimistic, what decision should they make? [5 Marks]
  2. If the group is conservative, what decision will they make? [5 Marks]
  3. If the group chooses to minimize their maximum regret, what activity will they choose? [5 Marks]
  4. If the probabilities of the T-X, T-1000, and T-100 are 0.2, 0.4, and 0.4, respectively, then what decision should be made using the expected value criterion? [5 Marks]


Expert Solution

Activity / State of nature TX T1000 T100
Picnic 100 150 200
Rappelling 150 125 50
Disabling skynet 75 100 125

Note : Since higher value is undesirable, it has been written in negative

A. Optimistic Maximax decision making = Max [ Maximum output under each option]

= Max [ -200,-150,-125]=-125

which corresponds to Disabling skynet

B Conservative Maximin approach + Max [ Minimum output under each option]

= Max [ -100.-50.-75] = -50

which corresponds to Rappelling


Regret table

Activity / State of nature TX T1000 T100
Picnic 25 50 150
Rappelling 75 25 0
Disabling skynet 0 0 75

Minimax regret = Min [ Max regret]

= Min [ 150,75,75] =75

which corresponds to Rappeling and disabling skynet, both have same output and thus equally favorable.

D ALl values are negative thus least negative value is most optimal.

EMV for picnic = 0.2x-100+0.4x-150+0.4x-200 = -160

EMV for Rappelling=  0.2x-150+0.4x-125+0.4x-50 =-100

EMV for Disabing skymet = 0.2x-75+0.4x-100+0.4x-125 =-105

The choice is Rappelling as it has highest EMV

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