
In: Computer Science

Part 2 Write a C code to create 5 random numbers between 90 and 100 (included)...

Part 2

Write a C code to create 5 random numbers between 90 and 100 (included) and print the values on the screen.

Part 3

Create a function that will mimic throwing the dice twice. The function will do the following when you call it.

  • The function will generate 2 random numbers between 1 and 6
  • The function will display the two random numbers to the user
  • The function will display “Winner” if the sum of the two numbers are 7 or 11

The function will display “hard luck” otherwise


Expert Solution



int main()
    int upper=100,lower=90; //Taking upper limit as 100 and lower limit as 90.
    int i,num;
    printf("Five random number between 90 and 100:\n\n");
    srand(time(0));//by this we generate new batch of random numbers every time we run the programm.
        //use rand function to generate random numbers
        num=(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower; //(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower formula for generate random number between range.
        printf("%d\t",num);//show output on screen
    return 0;

part 3:

void throwdice()
    int upper=6,lower=1; //Taking upper limit as 6 and lower limit as 1.
    int firstnumber,secondnumber;
    int num,i;
    //use rand function to generate random numbers
        //use rand function to generate random numbers
        num=(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower; //(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower formula for generate random number between range.
            firstnumber=num;//store first random number when i==0
            secondnumber=num;//store second random number when i==1
    printf("Two random number are: %d  %d\n",firstnumber,secondnumber);//show two random numbers
    if(firstnumber+secondnumber==7 || firstnumber+secondnumber==11)//checking condition as given in question
        printf("\nHard luck\n");
int main()
    srand(time(0));//by this we can generate new random numbers every time when we run the program.
    throwdice(); //calling function
    return 0;

I also merge two program if u required:

void throwdice()
    int upper=6,lower=1; //Taking upper limit as 6 and lower limit as 1.
    int firstnumber,secondnumber;
    int num,i;
    //use rand function to generate random numbers
        //use rand function to generate random numbers
        num=(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower; //(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower formula for generate random number between range.
            firstnumber=num;//store first random number when i==0
            secondnumber=num;//store second random number when i==1
    printf("Two random number are: %d  %d\n",firstnumber,secondnumber);//show two random numbers
    if(firstnumber+secondnumber==7 || firstnumber+secondnumber==11)//checking condition as given in question
        printf("\nHard luck\n");
int main()
    int upper=100,lower=90; //Taking upper limit as 100 and lower limit as 90.
    int i,num;
    printf("Five random number between 90 and 100:\n\n");
        //use rand function to generate random numbers
        num=(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower; //(rand()%(upper-lower+1))+lower formula for generate random number between range.
        printf("%d\t",num);//show output on screen
    return 0;

plss like if u like my answer.

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