
In: Operations Management

Describe an ideal work place . write NO LESS THAN 700 WORDS Include a perfect work...

Describe an ideal work place . write NO LESS THAN 700 WORDS

Include a perfect work place atmosphere

Characteristics of modern work

Ideal working hours

Paying method


Expert Solution

Ideal Workplace

Workplace in the common parlance can be defined as a location where an employee works for an employer. However, this definition doesn’t hold true in the current 21st century globalized world. Today, the workplace has become something more meaningful and complex than it hitherto was.

Nowadays, workplace not only refers to the location of office or work but to the more important psychological contract that exists between the organization and the employees. This contract by default is extended between the leadership and employees. Leaders define the direction of the organization an influence many policies or practices that in turn affect the employees, and hence in turn affect the workplace. In such a scenario how does an organization ensure that its employees are motivate under all circumstances and give their best? Well, one way could be to give excellent salaries and derive maximum out from the employees by making them work for extended hours etc. but would you like to a part of such a workplace? No!

With the rising rate of literacy, the awareness about self-worth has also increased among the workforce. In such a world, it becomes imperative for organizations to strive to make themselves, the best workplace – an ideal workplace. But how can an organization go about creating an ideal workplace? For that we need to understand the most important resource that is at the disposition of the organizations across the world – the human mind and psyche. Today, individuals prefer to be original, that is they don’t want to be a part of the herd. Every human is striving to create his/her own identity. And hence it becomes absolutely necessary for organizations to let people be themselves. What does it mean? It means that an organization doesn’t force people to change its personality and appreciates diversity. Appreciation of diversity is not important only in terms of gender, race, ethnicity etc. but also in terms of thought, working methods etc. These characteristics are reflected in the current times in Organizations’ flexible working hours, no rules on clothing etc. When an organization lets people be themselves, they feel comfortable, an absolute necessity to make people productive.

The next tenet of an ideal workplace is transparency. Which kind of an interviewer will you prefer? The one who has already rejected you in his mind and tells you that he will let you know about the result, or the one who tells you about his decision then and there and gives you constructive feedback. I would prefer the second one, and so will the many others. People respect transparency. If you are running an organization, you cannot afford to stifle the flow of information. Lack of information will lead to building of mistrust and hence precipitate the downfall of the organization through various reasons like attrition.

The third tenet on which an ideal organization is based is “Make them Better”. When an organization invests time and money in developing its employee’s strengths, it is not only creating resources for future use, but also making the employees feel that the organization cares. As humans all of us want to grow, improve etc. that stems from our instinct of survival. If the organization augments my mental arsenal, nothing like it.

Make sense today and every day! The fourth tenet of the workplace is based on the organizations’ vision and mission. It is not only important to feel a sense of purpose while working for an organization, but it is equally important to make the employees feel where their work fits. If, as an employee, I am performing a set of duties, I should be aware why are those duties necessary? How do they contribute to the entire organization? Answers to these questions will lead to a greater sense of purpose and meaning and hence a better workplace.

Last but not the least – employees first. Many organizations have the motto of Customer is the king, customer comes first etc. but it is the employees who need to be the kings, for they are the internal customers. Remember, happy employees will make happy customers. There are a slew of measures the organizations take in order to make employees feel that they are important – one such recent example could be organizations that decided to make their employees work from home when the COVID 19 crisis hit the world. Also, an organization that puts its employees’ safety – physical, mental and financial – is an organization employees will vie to work for.

Perfect workplace atmosphere would be the culmination of the above stated soft aspects with the availability of a milieu that makes employees comfortable – think about the Google’s work atmosphere.

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