In: Accounting
One of the approaches the IRC (Internal Revenue Commission) uses to ensure compliance is data matching. What is it and how does maintaining records assist the taxpayer in complying with the requirements of the IRC? (80-120 words)
About Internal Revenue Commission
The Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) is responsible for the collection of most of PNG’s Tax Revenue. Although there are many revenue streams administered by IRC, the main ones are; Income Tax, Salary and Wage Tax (SWT) and Goods and Services Tax (GST).
The Internal Revenue Commission Act 2014 establishes the IRC as a Statutory Authority and the “Commission”, consisting of the Commissioner General and the Commissioners, as the governing body of the IRC. Under its enabling Act, the IRC is not a Department of the National Public Service and therefore the provisions of the Public Services (Management) Act 1995 do not apply to the IRC. The Commissioner General and the Commissioners instead draw the authority to administer and control the Commission’s functions and activities through IRC Act and other tax legislation.
Ways in which IRC helps tax payers.
5. IRC is also reminding taxpayers to include the following information on your electronic payment.
6.Following this process will ensure your tax payment is promptly and accurately recorded by IRC and you will not be called to pay more than your fair share of taxes.